Search result: chemtrail geoengineering

African Geoengineering Push

May 13, 2023
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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: African Geoengineering Push As an African and geoengineering expert, I am acutely aware of the potential dangers and risks associated with geoengineering technology and its use. While some see it as a potential solution to climate change, others view it as a means of weather warfare and a tool for achieving […]


December 5, 2021
57 0 0

  MEMBERS & VISITORS WHY ARE CHEMTRAILS DENIED? Researcher Kevin Galalae explains how chemtrails violate several international conventions and the legal codes of every nation on earth, which is why they are denied. He mentions five conventions that geoengineering actors violate. There is a sixth he did not mention which is the Law of the […]

MEMBERS & VISITORS The Proof Is In The Pudding: Chemtrails Blanket Some of Us Daily Even the otherwise aggressive attention by anti geoengineering activist has flagged somewhat, this toxic menace is still with us. This video was filmed in the sky above my home on May 8, 2020. Those of us over 35 years old […]


March 7, 2020
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MEMBERS & VISITORS CHEMTRAILS CAN KILL The weaponization of geoengineering technology has deadly consequences for the entire web of life on earth. INVENTION SCHOOL’S SIGNATURE SERIES The technological progress of Africa and its diasporans was dramatically broken beginning with slavery and later through its colonization by European powers. With the arrival of the 21st century, […]


February 29, 2020
26 0 0

MEMBERS & VISITORS CHEMTRAIL RUSTLERS CHEMTRAIL RUSTLERS You will be surprised and shocked at what Rosalind Peterson, as early as 2010, had learned about the toxic geoengineering programs being conducted in the skies above your head. Listen carefully to Ms. Rosalind Peterson’s claims and assertions. If there is anything you doubt, do your own research. […]


February 29, 2020
34 0 0

MEMBERS & VISITORS PURPOSE OF CHEMTRAILS Anti-geoengineering activist and researcher A.C. Griffith presents his views on this topic. INVENTION SCHOOL’S SIGNATURE SERIES The technological progress of Africa and its diasporans was dramatically broken beginning with slavery and later through its colonization by European powers. With the arrival of the 21st century, a new era of […]


February 27, 2020
30 0 0

Read more by clicking just below on the down arrow… MEMBERS & VISITORS NEW CHEMTRAIL TYPES WON’T MATTER COMMERCIAL AIRLINES WILL BE CUT OFF AT THE KNEES Government aircraft alone cannot sustain geoengineering of the planet at current levels without the help of these commercial airline actors and strategic government puppets. (See “Air Force Pilot […]


February 27, 2020
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Read more by clicking just below on the down arrow… MEMBERS & VISITORS LEGAL ACTION AGAINST CHEMTRAILS GEOENGINEERINGWATCH.ORG HASN’T ISSUED RECENT UPDATES ON ITS LAWSUIT This is an interview with Attorney Joseph H. Marman. Geoengineering Watch’s legal initiative through “Legal Alliance To Stop Geoengineering” has not posted any progress or updates on its actions since […]

Read more by clicking just below on the down arrow… MEMBERS & VISITORS GOVERNMENT SPONSORED GEOENGINEERING PROGRAMS Geoengineering Via Chemtrail Operations After decades of denial, the US government uses the National Institute of Health to reveal the obvious truth about the toxicological hazard caused by the chemicals used in stratospheric aerosol injections . Various agencies […]

Read more by clicking just below on the down arrow… MEMBERS & VISITORS GEOENGINEERING SPRAYING HAS RESUMED IN ARIZONA March 19, 2019 – Atmospheric Aerosol Injections Resume In Arizona Share the Facebook version of this story at It is estimated that nearly 67% of the human population is currently being exposed to harmful man […]


February 23, 2020
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Read more by clicking just below on the down arrow… MEMBERS & VISITORS GEOENGINEERING HASHTAGS USE THESE HASHTAGS TO FIND THE POSTS YOU NEED Click to view collections of relevant posts within your social media accounts. 1. #chemtrailevidence ~ Evidence of covert geoengineering programs 2. #crimesagainsthumanity ~ Acts of […]

Read more by clicking just below on the down arrow… MEMBERS & VISITORS GEOENGINEERING Military Ops within U.S. borders FOR THOSE WITH EYES, LET THEM SEE….. Thanks to Elana Freeland for the indefatigable effort she is expending to analyze and report in amazing depth the full spectrum military-industrial takedown of the planet’s earth and space […]


February 23, 2020
32 0 0

Read more by clicking just below on the down arrow… MEMBERS & VISITORS DO CHEMTRAIL AIRCRAFT HIDE? DO CHEMTRAIL AIRCRAFT HIDE THEMSELVES? Use web site or apps to identify the private or commercial aircraft overhead. Watch and share the Facebook version of this video at INVENTION SCHOOL’S SIGNATURE SERIES The technological progress of […]

CHEMTRAILS: Fighting Back

February 19, 2020
44 0 0

  MEMBERS & VISITORS: ENTER TITLE OF BLOG HERE I chose a career in science and engineering because it was a natural fit for my skills and interests and because it was a powerful way to help make this a better world. When I designed missiles to drop bombs and nuclear warheads on people for […]


February 19, 2020
21 0 0

  MEMBERS & VISITORS: ENTER TITLE OF BLOG HERE SINCE CHEMTRAILS ARE FACT, NOT FANCY, WHERE ARE WE NOW? Please remember that we are NOT helpless in combating the scourge of chemtrails. It’s time to stand our ground. It’s been quite a while since chemtrail aircraft have appeared in our local skies. We’re very vigilant […]


February 19, 2020
16 0 0

  MEMBERS & VISITORS: CHEMTRAIL ACTIVISM GROWING The time for action is NOW. Nobody can fight your battles better than you. Phoning elected officials is effective because it requires large chunks of staff time, always a short and expensive commodity. You can legally record your personal conversations in the U.S. but just a few states […]

  MEMBERS & VISITORS: GEOENGINEERING ENRICHING AMERICAN AIRLINES View the full flight history of American Airines chemflight AAL2458 at View the full flight history of American Airlines chemflight AAL652 that laid down a thick chemtrail directly overhead at around 3:01 PM on November 27, 2018. How do I KNOW that these American Airlines […]


February 15, 2020
15 0 0

  MEMBERS & VISITORS: PRETTY CHEMTRAILS I WILL NOT BE PLACED IN FACEBOOK JAIL AGAIN! Watch “Pretty Chemtrails” on Facebook at I am relegating FB to the role of bulletin board to simply announce what I have to share elsewhere. It is past time for users to de-fang this beast and regain control of […]

Another Scourge In America

November 4, 2023
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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: Another Scourge In America The covert national program in United States is shared amongst NATO nations. The health toll is being felt wherever these atmospheric aerosol injections are deposited. Though infrequent, these weather altering technologies are being conducted in Kenya, including in my home County of Tharaka-Nithi in the skies above […]


March 15, 2023
34 0 0

  MEMBERS & VISITORS: KENYA BEWARE Atmospheric aerosol injections used in modern weather warfare are spreading out in the sky over Marimanti, Kenya. I caught this photographic evidence well after the depositing aircraft left behind these weather modifying chemicals so I was unable to fully detect the identity of that plane using The ground […]