Search result: gmo

  MEMBERS & VISITORS: Bill Gates and the Controversial Digital ID Program in Kenya Bill Gates, the tech billionaire and philanthropist, has recently been in the spotlight for his involvement in Kenya’s new digital ID program, Maisha Namba. While the initiative is being touted as a revolutionary step for healthcare and social services, it’s essential […]

  MEMBERS & VISITORS: Can African Inventors Save Africa From Cancerous Foods? Palki Sharma tells you why Palm oil could be dangerous for you. In this case the people of Kenya, including myself, should be more cautious of the foods we are consuming, including vegetable oils. I’m slightly less concerned because my diet is primarily […]

African Food Colonization

November 30, 2022
52 0 0

  MEMBERS & VISITORS: African Food Colonization Kenya tells Bill Gates “We will not be used as Guinea Pigs” Keep GMO’s in America Africa, GMOs and Western interests Inventor apprentices at Tharaka Invention Academy will most certainly be toiling at developing agricultural processes and equipment to raise the health and well-being of Kenyan citizens. However, […]


October 10, 2022
36 0 0

  MEMBERS & VISITORS I’M SO DISAPPOINTED AND SAD I have seen three different sightings of weather modifying chemtrails in the last two weeks, three times more than in my entire stay here since 2020. Kenya has a new President and I cannot say with assurance if that has anything to do with it but […]

Nigerian Teen: Robot Designer

August 26, 2022
19 0 0

  MEMBERS & VISITORS Nigerian Teen: Robot Designer Inventor Isah Auwal Barde, aged 17, created the robot Mutum Mutumi from cardboard and other miscellaneous materials he could find. It took Barde two years to build the robot. He had no funding, so all the parts were found locally or provided by others. He also said […]


December 28, 2021
48 0 0

  MEMBERS & VISITORS Passports DON’T FRET, YOU HAVE OPTIONS Are chemtrails, racist white supremacists, slave wages, mandatory vaccines, GMOs, 5G, tainted earth, food, and water, toxic EMF, fluoride, failing health, and other nasties of NATO nations got you down? Travel to regain control of your destiny and get the bigger picture of better possibilities! […]

Ancestral Rescue ~ SALT

August 31, 2021
70 0 0

MEMBERS & VISITORS Ancestral Rescue ~ SALT Ancestral RESCUE Society for Alternative Learning and Transformation SALT goes out of the way to tap into indigenous knowledge and traditional practices to revive harmonious relationship between people, culture and natural world. Recently met with this organization. It’s at the forefront of reestablishing bonds with the ancestral wisdom […]


March 9, 2020
19 0 0

MEMBERS & VISITORS LIFE EXPECTANCY CDC: Americans Are Dying Even Younger “The uptick in overall deaths was driven by the usual suspects: the prevalence and lethality of Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, and the flu, which was more severe than usual last year. ” Evelyn Pringle and Patricia Negron covered the latest news on the effects […]

Depopulation, Water, and You

March 8, 2020
51 0 1

MEMBERS & VISITORS Depopulation, Water, and You Focus on the Facts – November 18, 2016 Guest was Kevin Galalae, Founder and Director of the Center for Global Consciousness and the most informed expert in the world on the UN’s global depopulation agenda and socially engineered genocide with covert chemical and biological agents used all over […]


February 29, 2020
13 0 0

MEMBERS & VISITORS SHARE THE PARALLELS SHARE YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF THE PARALLELS [Tobacco, GMO, Chemtrails] This interview is taken from the 10 part series “GMOs Revealed”, a must-see for everybody. Episode 1: Episode 2: Episode 3: Episode 4: Episode 5: Episode 6: Episode 7: Episode 8: […]


February 25, 2020
32 0 0

Read more by clicking just below on the down arrow… MEMBERS & VISITORS GEOENGINEERING STOP. THEN WHAT? ONCE THE PEOPLE HAVE FORCED GEOENGINEERING PROGRAMS TO HALT, THEN WHAT? It’s time to act. You’re a 21st century Noah thinking about the coming man-made flood: How will you avoid GMO foods, FEMA camps, gangster banksters, toxic vaccines, […]


February 15, 2020
26 0 0

MEMBERS & VISITORS WATER HEATER Those with power to decide war or peace don’t reflect who America actually is. This includes the daily geoengineering war in the skies over America’s population centers, and the war on women, and the war on health: EMF radiation, endocrine disruptors, vaccines, processed foods, culture wars, cancer treatments, withheld medical […]