“Black Billionaire” is NOT an oxymoron



AI Solves Homework Excuses

AI-powered innovation and problem-solving

Join Prof. Singer and CBO Director Miriam Muthoni as they discuss AI’s impact on Invention and Innovation.

As a special bonus, we are offering one of Prof. Singer’s books “Journey from Ideas to Impact Using 97 Different AI Tools” for free! It is packed with valuable and interesting facts about how you can use the POWER of artificial intelligence to accelerate your journey to becoming a world-class problem solver, innovator, and inventor. Visit HERE to get your free copy so that you can remain relevant, valuable, and far ahead of your competition.

Be sure to visit “Tharaka Invention Academy” where you can learn about how anybody can acquire the mindset, skills, and knowledge needed by all problem solvers, innovators, and inventors. The post entitled “Global Innovators: 101 Careers Transformed by Invention Skills” contains links to many more similar stories about these people worldwide.

Questions?? Contact me any time at profsinger@inventionschool.tech
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Mechanical/Solar Engineer, Prof. Oku Singer
