It’s difficult to describe the many changes in my life since arriving in East Africa. Perhaps you have experienced a vast transformation in your life in which it seems you’ve been transported into a new body. Some parts work better than ever, LOL. Some parts just have this cramped feeling. Some sensations have arrived which are brand new. Some brand new aches and pains greet you at the most unexpected times. Glasses are no longer needed for any reason. You wonder where the pounds went and why you ever agreed to live any kind of life in which there is chronic overweightness that just won’t go away. New cravings are born and some old ones became lost in the cobwebs. You know… belts don’t lie when a brand new healthier life style arrives and those food pathologies were sent whimpering into deep forest never to return… It’s likely I’ll die and be buried on my Kenyan farm, the one bristling with whole natural foods and watered by a river fed by the melting snows of Mount Kenya and blessed by the spirits of nearby ancient ancestors.

Prof. Oku Singer
