Can We Inherit Memories From Our Ancestors?

For decades, scientists have debated the existence of engrams, the physical storage of memories in our brains. Intriguing recent research now reveals that ancestral memories may be inherited by offspring. Could traumatic memories inherited from our ancestors contribute to the rising incidence of mental illness? If this indeed holds true, especially given the historic nature of abuse experienced by African people in African and across the diaspora, then a stepping away from these memories and their effects is required so that these people enjoy a free mind and free spirit and can resume the creative and innovative task of building a new civilization. The wealthy and powerful individuals and nations enjoy their privilege and will not easily relinquish their advantages. As such, they are poised as the supreme stumbling blocks to progress and the need for global Africans to “up their game” in spite of a possibly inherited traumatic past remains greater than ever.

In a similar vein we can explore and tap into the phenomena known as “morphic resonance”. This theory disputes the notion that memories can be stored in the brain or other cells. Despite this different approach to memory acquisition, we can all leverage the likelihood that memories can be used to our individual advantage rather that being detrimental.

Equally interesting to consider is a similar talk by Mike Adams, the “Health Ranger”, as he talks about “The Hundredth Monkey”. At the end of the day we can all be hopeful when we look at a seemingly despairing world and understand that for the awakened ones there is indeed hope…

Mechanical/Solar Engineer, Prof. Oku Singer


Can We Inherit Memories From Our Ancestors?