MEMBERS & VISITORS: Earthbag Housing Secrets Africa can easily solve rural housing crisis Welcome to Invention Insights, the podcast where we explore groundbreaking ideas that hold the potential to reshape industries and uplift communities. I’m Doctor Adebayo, your host and prospective Director General of AFRICAN REGIONAL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ORGANIZATION. Today, we’re discussing a revolutionary […]
Read moreMEMBERS & VISITORS: The_Power_of_Innovation Advance your career through innovation training. Professions Benefiting from Innovation Education Innovation, invention, and problem-solving skills have become indispensable across a vast array of professions. Mastering these skills not only prepares individuals to tackle the complex challenges of their fields but also positions them as leaders who can drive meaningful […]
Read moreMEMBERS & VISITORS: There’s No New Irrigation Scheme in Kenya Reimagining Agricultural Production Systems in Africa We’ve allowed GMOs, but who owns these patents? That’s the question: who owns these patents? Which labs develop these patents? Earlier, Brian, you mentioned the justification for the consumption of GMOs in Kenya. Our government and the Minister […]
Read moreMEMBERS & VISITORS: Why the U.S. Patent System is literally SCAM! Reimagining African Intellectual Property Systems by Learning from Others The corruption in the American patent system runs deeper than you’d ever think. A multi-billion dollar industry you’ve never heard of is robbing people of their businesses and livlihood. This is the world Patent […]
Read moreMEMBERS & VISITORS: Prof Singer’s Brand New Book Mastering AI for Creative Problem Solving “Innovate Now: Mastering AI for Creative Problem Solving.” This new book by Prof. Singer guides young inventors and problem-solvers on how to leverage artificial intelligence throughout the innovation process, from brainstorming and prototyping to market analysis and intellectual property […]
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