MEMBERS & VISITORS PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION IN THE SCIENCES PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION IN THE SCIENCES Dr. Judy Mikovits interviewed by the Health Ranger on coronavirus plandemic and cancer causing vaccines. Geoengineering perpetrators are just the tip of a massive iceberg! The science establishment is a criminal cartel of extreme corruption and has been for decades. […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS Can You Design A Durable Solar Cooker? With millions of people forced by drought, famine and war into desert refugee and displaced person camps, the need for a cheap, durable solar cooker that will allow people to cook with sunlight during the day and save their scarce wood for use at night […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS We Are Living A Lie The Truth will always rise to the top eventually. God bless those who speak out in support of the real truth, even when it’s ugly or disturbing 🇺s. There has been a recent massive effort across all power fronts to silence and discredit Dr. Judy Mikovits for […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS BLACK PANTHERS REVISITED Panther is a semi-historic film about the origins of The Black Panther Party for Self-Defense. The movie spans about 3 years of the Black Panther’s history in Oakland. Panther also uses historical footage to emphasize some points. Panther is a 1995 cinematic adaptation of Melvin Van Peeble’s […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS SILENCE IS YOUR VIOLENCE Do you have an idea of which way you want the United States to go? Here’s somethings to think about. It’s being compared to a falling failing Babylon. Are things hopeless? We have all seen this historical violence heaped upon African people since the first slave was delivered […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS AFRICAN HOME LIFE AFRICAN HOME LIFE: I was the home entertainment system LOL I just took on an amalgam of styles from life in Hawaii, North America , and West Africa as well as beloved musical influences from South America, Spain, India, and China. To watch Invention […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS The Truth Behind 5G The rollout of 5G using super high-frequency radio airwaves has ignited old fears about cellphone radiation risks. 5G promises lightning-fast speeds and the ability to power new technologies like self-driving cars and advanced augmented and virtual reality experiences. But an undercurrent to all of the things we can […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS THE PLANDEMIC Video interview removed from social networks because what Dr. Judy Mikovits says is out of sync with the ambient doxa. When you’re not afraid of the truth, you let the truth come out. After all, people are old enough to know and understand what is good for them and their […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS VOICE ACTORS WANTED FOR ANIMATION SERIES PILOT VOICE ACTORS WANTED FOR ANIMATION SERIES PILOT Logline: “Invention School” ~ A churning group of 12 highly creative “woke” African youth around the world are able to meet, learn, and collaborate online on their own valuable problem solving inventions through the efforts and support of […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS NATASHA MWANSA: Securing The Future Of Youth In Africa Natasha Wang Mwansa is passionate about using the media to empower young people. Natasha was born and raised in Zambia. She received her diploma at Lusaka Secondary School and is taking a gap year before embarking on new studies. As a Junior Reporter, […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS DO YOU REALLY WANT TO BE IN A CITY WHEN SHTF? EVEN THE RICH AGREE: CITIES ARE A BAD IDEA Central to Agenda 21/30 is the goal of depopulating rural areas and herding the masses into cities. The currently conducted propaganda war touts cities as being virtuous & ideal places to dwell […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS How To Exit The Matrix Admittedly, some will feel that some of the particulars in this video do not apply to themselves. In spite of that, listen carefully to some of the larger issues and concerns that are addressed herein. As big boys and girls unafraid of truth you can and must […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS BILL GATES TURNS WESTERN INVENTIONS AGAINST AFRICAN PEOPLE Africa and the world needs to hear this; Dr Vandana Shiva Calls War On Bill Gates. Dr. Shiva carefully and clearly lays out the scheme of how Bill Gates and other globalists are using their money to facilitate the complete takeover of ruling power […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS MAASAI BOY’S INVENTION MADE PEACE WITH LIONS In the Maasai community where Richard Turere lives with his family, cattle are all-important. But lion attacks were growing more frequent. In this short, inspiring talk, the young inventor shares the solar-powered solution he designed to safely scare the lions away. Young inventor Richard Turere […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS WHY I DON’T USE A SMART PHONE Imagine all the things you can do…off of your phone. Parents be warned. Ann Makosinski is an 18 year-old student, innovator and entrepreneur. Her first toy was a box of transistors. From there, her interest in science and creating arose. One of her friends in […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS INGENIOUS AFRICAN FARMERS For hundreds of years, Africans in the diaspora have shown exceeding adaptability and resourcefulness in meeting survival needs, especially farming. Go Girls! Go Guys! To watch Invention School’s full library of movies visit Invention School’s Home Page. INVENTION SCHOOL’S SIGNATURE SERIES The technological progress of Africa and its diasporans […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS Burundi’s Bicycle Powered Washing Machine The SpinCycle is a portable washing machine that attaches to almost any bicycle. It was created by Rich Hewitt, he came up with the idea when in Burundi. While he was there he had to wash huge amounts of clothes by hand and wanted to find a […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS SUDAN COULD FEED A BILLION PEOPLE SUDAN COULD FEED A BILLION PEOPLE The idea of overpopulation is nothing more than a cheap excuse for doing nothing OR employing toxic vaccines, birth control, and biological weapons to stave off competition and national debt. Subverting or recolonizing Africa is not a solution to the […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS CORONAVIRUS EASILY DEFEATED BECAUSE IT’S A BIOWEAPON Draw your own conclusions… Long but easily understandable and includes treatment regimens against this bio-weapon. This information could be lifesaving for you. In March 2019, an exceptionally mysterious event involved a shipment of exceptionally virulent viruses from Canada’s National Microbiology Laboratory […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS MILLIONAIRE INVENTOR: Madam C.J. Walker Madam C.J. Walker was suffering from poverty and hair loss when she decided to concoct a hair regrowth lotion to heal her damaged scalp. Fast forward a handful of years and millions of dollars later, Walker was leading one of the most successful, and philanthropic, cosmetic companies […]

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