MEMBERS & VISITORS Can You Design A Durable Solar Cooker? With millions of people forced by drought, famine and war into desert refugee and displaced person camps, the need for a cheap, durable solar cooker that will allow people to cook with sunlight during the day and save their scarce wood for use at night […]
Read moreMEMBERS & VISITORS The Truth Behind 5G The rollout of 5G using super high-frequency radio airwaves has ignited old fears about cellphone radiation risks. 5G promises lightning-fast speeds and the ability to power new technologies like self-driving cars and advanced augmented and virtual reality experiences. But an undercurrent to all of the things we can […]
Read moreMEMBERS & VISITORS DO YOU REALLY WANT TO BE IN A CITY WHEN SHTF? EVEN THE RICH AGREE: CITIES ARE A BAD IDEA Central to Agenda 21/30 is the goal of depopulating rural areas and herding the masses into cities. The currently conducted propaganda war touts cities as being virtuous & ideal places to dwell […]
Read moreMEMBERS & VISITORS BILL GATES TURNS WESTERN INVENTIONS AGAINST AFRICAN PEOPLE Africa and the world needs to hear this; Dr Vandana Shiva Calls War On Bill Gates. Dr. Shiva carefully and clearly lays out the scheme of how Bill Gates and other globalists are using their money to facilitate the complete takeover of ruling power […]
Read moreMEMBERS & VISITORS Burundi’s Bicycle Powered Washing Machine The SpinCycle is a portable washing machine that attaches to almost any bicycle. It was created by Rich Hewitt, he came up with the idea when in Burundi. While he was there he had to wash huge amounts of clothes by hand and wanted to find a […]
Read moreMEMBERS & VISITORS SUDAN COULD FEED A BILLION PEOPLE SUDAN COULD FEED A BILLION PEOPLE The idea of overpopulation is nothing more than a cheap excuse for doing nothing OR employing toxic vaccines, birth control, and biological weapons to stave off competition and national debt. Subverting or recolonizing Africa is not a solution to the […]
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