MEMBERS & VISITORS YOUNG KENYAN INVENTS ROBOTS A young Kenyan is proving that a lack of funding should not affect your dreams. Samuel Zila is a self-taught robot maker. His creations help around the house, but he has far bigger dreams for them in the future. To watch Invention School’s full library of movies visit […]
Read moreMEMBERS & VISITORS INCREDIBLE INNOVATIONS FROM TANZANIA, KENYA, NIGERIA, AND SOUTH AFRICA From a scientist in Tanzania who created a water filter to combat water-borne diseases to apps in Kenya that give school children access to unlimited information, Africa is home to incredible technological innovations. To watch Invention School’s full library of movies visit Invention […]
Read moreMEMBERS & VISITORS SURVEILLANCE CAPITALISM: Inventions Gone Wrong Harvard professor Shoshana Zuboff wrote a monumental book about the new economic order that is alarming. “The Age of Surveillance Capitalism,” reveals how the biggest tech companies deal with our data. How likely are you to perform substantive and aggressive action to derail covert geoengineering programs? How […]
Read moreMEMBERS & VISITORS SIMPLE MACHINES FOR FARMERS Your Virtual World News shares a story about how engineers develop simple machines to help farmers in the developing world. Read about “Hand Planter Could Save Time, Money for Small Farmers” INVENTION SCHOOL’S SIGNATURE SERIES The technological progress of Africa and its diasporans was dramatically broken beginning with […]
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