Cultural Creatives Unfriend Disillusion

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Fred Nassiri is a cultural creative who is really preparing the future and its new social structures for us. Cultural Creatives are unstoppable and their number is continuously rising, the values they champion could soon become core values for human civilization generally. Cultural Creatives are emerging without anybody organizing their presence, without anyone seeking to create political power from their existence, and without any group having any interest in them. They are emerging simply because in real historical development the growth of human consciousness can not be stopped, no matter how much today’s establishments and intellectual elites try to ignore and even hide their appearance. So they are all here, among and around us: millions Cultural Creatives in the United States and many million more around the world, all with a similar mindset — the citizens of a new world. They are the ones who are really preparing the future and its new social structures for us, and are doing so right now.

Fred Nassiri immigrated to the United States at an early age, the drive, passion, and solid work ethics of Fred were evident from the beginning. His successful business ventures as a fashion magnate and real estate mogul made him a very prosperous man. The company he founded, Nassiri Inc. was to become one of the top three-ranked wholesalers of brand name apparel in the country. Relying on a savvy and intelligent business sense, Nassiri wisely invested in properties and real estate which eventually proved to be equally and extremely profitable.

However, becoming an incredibly successful entrepreneur and wealthy man still left Nassiri feeling a certain emptiness in his life. He came to realize that money, wealth, notoriety, and so many other world treasures he had spent his whole life striving for, inevitably still left him with one permeable thought; there must be something more. He subsequently set out on a search for enlightenment; a continuing pursuit of life’s meaning through long hours of meditation, prayer, and an increased self-discipline. He sought out master gurus, spiritual teachers and philosophers from all over the world. He studied Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Sufism, Kabbalah, and other philosophies. He isolated himself in the mountains for over 40 days in an effort to reconnect with the universe, with nature, with God, and with himself. After years of diligent study, Nassiri eventually gained a deeper understanding of what is truly important in life.

Nassiri soon found the best way to express the lessons he learned from his studies was through another gift he was born with: music. Nassiri wrote hundreds of songs and poems, each with an intrinsic message of a universal hope and love; each designed to invoke spiritual and encouraging images and thoughts. Sharing love and goodwill through the vibrations of positive music became a new life mission for Nassiri; one he continues to pursue, as well as inspire others to pursue, to this day.
