I am at peace because Africa has embraced me.
I am at peace because I’m busy fulfilling my life mission.
I am at peace because people around me are at peace.
I am at peace because I’m surrounded by beauty.
I am at peace because the people and resources I need for this mission will continue to magnetically flow to me with little effort.
I am at peace because the rainy season has returned to Kenya after prolonged drought.
I am at peace because I can legally collect rain water for personal use unlike other unnamed countries.
I am at peace because the water I collected contains no fluoride, the chemical German Nazis used to pacify jailed Jews.
I am at peace because the rain contains no toxic metallic nanoparticulates sprayed by government or commercial aircraft.
I am at peace because I can use the water to grow grain, organic fruit, or honey-ginger laced Kenyan coffee.
I am at peace because the rivers are full and brimming with fish and fertile sediment.
I am at peace because “green” has broken out all over.
I am at peace because Kitty Cat is my new guardian angel who deftly travels other realms.
…without me.
I am at peace because Love is the primary force in this universe to which I humbly yield.
Mechanical/Solar Engineer, Prof. Oku Singer