It’s a GLOBAL Invasion



It’s a GLOBAL Invasion

Global Invasion and Takeover: The Struggle for Control

“Greetings, family, and welcome to another episode of Ask Dr. Mumbi. My name is Dr. Mumbi Seraki. How are you doing? How’s everything going? I truly pray that you are well in all aspects of your life and that you are living life on your own terms.

We are sharing much more information on TikTok, so if you are not in the United States, make sure to follow us there at Dr. Mumbi Show. We also post a lot of those shows on Instagram under the same name, Dr. Mumbi Seraki. A special shout-out to everyone who supports us on Patreon and PayPal. Family, we appreciate and love you so much, and may you be blessed in all your ways.

A special shout-out to my co-host Errol. I’ve been receiving many questions from people about what is really going on. For example, when I share what’s happening in Kenya, where suddenly the United States seems to be targeting us. It appears they have their puppet president in place. Ruto recently visited the United States, facilitated by a billionaire former FBI and CIA Ambassador who organized all these meetings for him. He was the first president to visit in 18 years, and they hosted the largest state dinner Joe Biden has held during his presidency. This indicates that Kenya is a significant focus for them, and they are coming for us hard.

Moreover, we are witnessing engineered weather, with floods in our capital cities, and the demolition of many shantytowns. It’s as if they are creating a Nairobi without Nairobians or a Kenya without Kenyans. When I share these observations, many of you from other parts of the world, like Jamaica, tell me that similar things are happening there. They are buying up land, constructing high-rises, and many outsiders are moving in. This phenomenon is occurring worldwide, except for West Africa, where countries are forming their own federations and progressing.

I believe we are experiencing a global invasion and takeover. This has been predicted in many movies we thought were for entertainment, but they were actually for predictive programming. Europe is collapsing, and the United States continues to release media that predicts civil war, confirming their agenda for global dominion by 2030.

What we are witnessing are not isolated events but a coordinated global takeover. This was the purpose behind the COVID-19 pandemic, although it did not fully succeed in their plans because many people awakened during the lockdowns. They hinted at climate change lockdowns, which they have not yet fully implemented, but they continue to strive for global control.

The war is not coming; it is already here. We must keep our wits about us, as there is a spirit of exhaustion affecting us all. They are collapsing the mind by collapsing the foundations they created. Despite this, we are not alone, and there is spiritual assistance. However, it can be difficult to discern what is genuine spiritual help and what is manipulation by those in power.

The key is to stay focused on the present and what you can do to secure your immediate future. The working narrative is collapsing, especially with the advent of robots and global censorship. Now is the time to practice your spiritual life, setting your intentions for the future and rejecting foreign and artificial narratives.

We cannot lose, but many people risk being pulled back into cycles of slavery and colonialism. We are at a point of potential liberation, or we risk falling back into these cycles. There are two narratives, two worlds. Do not let Babylon trick, manipulate, or bully you into their collapsing world. Focus on your spiritual life, as it is the vehicle to your liberation.”

Commentary by Prof. Singer:
Hey, have you ever thought about how African descendant innovators and inventors can make a real difference in stopping global invasions and takeovers? It’s pretty exciting to think about how they can use their skills and resources to help their communities thrive. Here’s some ideas we can chat about.

First off, what if they focused on creating solutions that directly address local problems? Imagine developing better farming methods, clean water systems, or renewable energy sources. These kinds of innovations can make communities more self-reliant and less dependent on foreign aid.

And education, that’s another big one. Setting up schools and innovation hubs where kids can learn about science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) is crucial. By teaching these skills, we’re giving the next generation the tools they need to tackle problems creatively and effectively.

Supporting local businesses is also key. By mentoring and funding local entrepreneurs, inventors can help small businesses grow, creating jobs and boosting the local economy. This makes it tougher for foreign companies to swoop in and take over.

It’s also important for innovators to get involved in shaping local laws and policies. By influencing regulations, they can protect local industries and ensure fair trade practices. Being part of the policy-making process helps safeguard local interests.

Raising awareness in the community is another powerful tool. Innovators can use social media and public events to educate people about the risks of foreign control and the benefits of supporting local initiatives. This empowers communities to make informed decisions.

Staying ahead in technology is vital too. By leading in areas like renewable energy, biotechnology, and information technology, Africans and African descendants innovators around the world can keep their countries competitive on a global scale.

And let’s not forget about protecting intellectual property. Securing patents is crucial to prevent exploitation by foreign entities and to encourage more local innovation and investment.

Incorporating traditional knowledge into modern solutions is also a great idea. This approach preserves cultural heritage while addressing contemporary challenges. It creates unique products that appeal globally while honoring local traditions.

Fostering collaborations that respect and integrate cultural values can prevent one-sided takeovers. These partnerships lead to a balanced exchange of ideas and technologies, benefiting all parties involved.

By focusing on these areas, African descendant innovators and inventors can protect their communities from external control and ensure sustainable growth and prosperity for future generations. What do you think? How can we start making these changes today?

Be sure to visit “Tharaka Invention Academy” where you can learn about how anybody can acquire the mindset, skills, and knowledge needed by all problem solvers, innovators, and inventors. The post entitled “Global Innovators: 101 Careers Transformed by Invention Skills” contains links to many more similar stories about these people worldwide.

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Mechanical/Solar Engineer, Prof. Oku Singer
