Atmospheric aerosol injections used in modern weather warfare are spreading out in the sky over Marimanti, Kenya. I caught this photographic evidence well after the depositing aircraft left behind these weather modifying chemicals so I was unable to fully detect the identity of that plane using The ground station beaming electromagnetic energy at these suspended particles could either be on the ground or in the Indian Ocean east of Kenya. The atmospheric conditions at altitude here at the equator would NEVER physically allow the formation of lingering contrails and the jet engines in universal use are high-bypass engines which are incapable or producing contrails. Commercial aviation jet engines in use today are of the high-bypass type, and most modern military fighter engines are low-bypass. Afterburners are used on low-bypass turbofan engines with bypass and core mixing before the afterburner. To learn much more from my 7 years of research into these technologies you can visit HERE.
The Climate Engineering Cover Up
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Mechanical/Solar Engineer, Prof. Oku Singer