I’m the proverbial rat who jumped ship, in this case, the Titanic.  So many are so heavily invested in Babylon that they won’t see any alternatives. I can say with confidence that I’m living world’s apart from the insanity taking place in the Divided States. Here, absolutely clear chemtrail free skies float behind exotic trees filled with bright yellow birds. The trees appeared as lemon trees loaded with fruit. People freely share their time, good food, joys, sadness, and labor because they are in sync with the rhythms of the earth. So many others are not…

While working, a tiny baby bat fell on my desk and floundered under the harsh light. Was death marching upon it as all of us? I wasn’t prepared to make any life and death decisions about this tiny wondrously formed creature… The perfectly formed head ( no bigger than a kernel of corn), ears, nose, and mouth resembled that of a tiny dog, I left it for a while and when I came back it had completely disappeared even though it had earlier appeared to be near death. Mysteries…

As I’m now beginning my second year here, I’ve expanded my operating base and rented space for an office and living quarters. Follow the video to see the paths to my office headquarters and living quarters. I have no intention of returning to the United States any time soon, if ever so Kenya is providing a new lease on life that will require building almost everything over again from the ground up. It’s an invigorating challenge, believe me!

Prof. Oku Singer, Mechanical/Solar Engineer
