Sock Puppets and the Illusion of Truth

Sock Puppets and the Illusion of Truth

A DEEP BROAD COVER HAS BEEN PLACED OVER NEWS YOU REALLY NEED TO KNOW: Propaganda Model Of News Outlet Sources (Powerful but easily understandable)

These are the filters through which news from corporate sources must pass before it can been blessed to be passed onto news consumers (you). Only certain kinds of news and information gets through to you every day which can pass through these filters listed below.

1. Advertising: Stories have to be acceptable to those corporations and individuals who pay for advertising. Advertising is the largest source of income for the news outlets.

2. Ownership: As corporations, the prime objective of the news disseminators is to satisfy the needs and directives of their shareholders, not the readers & viewers.

3. News Makers: Priority is given to entities broadly recognized as being in the public eye and capable of drawing significant attention to themselves and their activities.

4. News Shapers: Public relations firms, think tanks, foundations and other entities who work behind the scenes to massage and shape perceptions of events by moving their spin of activities into media so as to pass them off as news.

5. Flack/Negative Criticism: Anything that crosses the line of acceptability will NOT be included. Covert geoengineering, anti-vaccines, 5G dangers, or other “branded conspiracies” deemed harmful to the party line will never be legitimately entertained by news outlets.

6. Deep State (Unelected Federal Govt. Agencies) Disinformation: CIA alliances were built with news industry individuals and organizations so as to push stories of interest to the CIA into the headlines. Note: CIA helped fund Facebook as a startup company.

7. Algorithms: ALL of the big Internet entities employ algorithms to filter what you and I see or are not allowed to see on the Internet, effectively building an image of the world in your mind that they want you to have. This is how censorship happens.

8. Filter Bubble: Algorithms learn what we like, adapt, then feed us even more of what we like to the exclusion of all else further reinforcing the propaganda aims of the puppet masters.

9. Behavioral Microtargeting: Data mining of information about targeted demographics in order to feed them information designed to modify or reinforce their perceptions so as to push them in a desired direction.

10. Sock Puppets (Bots): Anonymous or semi-anonymous social media accounts designed to attack or support a particular story, idea, account, or person in the crosshairs of the puppet masters.

All of these filters combined may be one reason I’m finding truly anomalous currents of activity on all of my social media accounts as well as literal destruction of information on web sites I host and manage.

Watch “Fake News and Real Journalism” at

Prof. Oku J. Singer, Mechanical/Solar Engineer


Sock Puppets and the Illusion of Truth

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