Stratospheric Aerosol Injections Resume In Arizona

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Stratospheric Aerosol Injections Resume In Arizona

March 19, 2019 – Atmospheric Aerosol Injections Resume In Arizona

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It is estimated that nearly 67% of the human population is currently being exposed to harmful man made contaminants, whether they be from genetically-modified foods, water fluoridation and even atmospheric geoengineering. Atmospheric manipulation is done by airplanes through controlled spraying over population centers especially. These toxins are known as chemtrails, and can cause a wide variety of symptoms. While the exact chemical make-up of chemtrails is up for debate, many doctors have noticed a dramatic increase in skin rashes, lethargy and decreased sexual activity in their patients.

From all indications, infrastructure used to conduct the “officially denied” geoengineering programs of the U.S. government is surely capable of recognizing when participating aircraft are being tracked or monitored by unauthorized civilians. When their monitoring is detected, participating aircraft in the monitored vicinity will visibly and rapidly curtail recognizable geoengineering operations, To test it yourself, go to, scroll to your locale, then click on any individual aircraft that appears to be actively engaging in any type of geoengineering operations. Leave a comment if you also discover this response to their detection of your monitoring to be true.

For more information watch “PLEASE DON’T BE BAMBOOZLED FOLKS” ~

Prof. Oku J. Singer
