MEMBERS & VISITORS THE ENGAGEMENT PARTY Over the decades I have come to experience a full range of life’s chapters: births, education, early family life, accomplishments, failures, work, celebrations, death, and yes MARRIAGE. I recently had the privilege and honor to attend the engagement celebration party of my very good friend Duncan Nthigah (AKA […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS MY MAMA AFRICA MY MAMA AFRICA I was treated to a tour of my local region by good friends. Basically, there is so much to enjoy and appreciate about JUST the land of Africa. I can cover more on the culture, clothes, food, music, language and other cultural aspects in later […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS I Bought My Shamba In January of 2020 I bought my first piece of land in Africa. When the African earth was placed in my hand by the man who sold me the land, I cried the tears of fifteen generations of ancestors… This was now my land, I bought this […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS FRESH WATER IS THE WORLD’S NEW GOLD Lake Nalubaale, later called Lake Victoria, is one of the African Great Lakes. The lake was later named after Queen Victoria by the explorer John Hanning Speke, the first Briton to document it in 1858. The European colonialists were rabid about renaming everything they […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS Colonialism & Origins of White Supremacy A new four-part documentary series, “Exterminate All the Brutes,” delves deeply into the legacy of European colonialism from the Americas to Africa. It has been described as an unflinching narrative of genocide and exploitation, beginning with the colonizing of Indigenous land that is now called […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS I PROMISED TO RETURN TO AFRICA I’m so proud of Ghanaians for taking this bold initiative for its young people. We all have much that we can share with each other in order to build a stronger and safe world for future generations. In looking at the facilities which are going […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS WE ALONE CAN WRITE OUR STORIES Nnamdi explores how African Innovation truly has the potential to change the African narrative, as well as global and pan-African trends shaping the landscape in Africa. He is also the founder of the Disrupting Africa Encyclopedia, an online platform dedicated to identifying the 30 million Africans […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS HISTORY OF AFRICAN PEOPLES Many manuscripts of the history of African people around the world are available for download and sharing HERE. These manuscripts were donated by Mr. Jerry Leads. Prof. Oku Singer INVENTION SCHOOL’S SIGNATURE SERIES The technological progress of Africa and its diasporans was dramatically broken beginning with slavery […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS WHICH AFRICAN NATIONS ARE ATTRACTING THE TALENTS AND MONEY OF AFRICAN DIASPORANS? Some nations like Rwanda are attracting the interest of developers, expatriates, and financiers to a much higher degree than other African nations. Tanzania, Gambia, Uganda, and Ghana are also very popular destinations for those in the African diaspora wishing to […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS AFRICAN WEDDING ATTIRE AFRICAN WEDDING ATTIRE Tomorrow is your wedding day. What attire will you choose? I’m coming full circle with my friends in exhibiting the Africa I know in all of its glory. I’ve now shown you birth, marriage, children, and death and I’ve felt it here. As free will beings […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS Ancestral Rescue ~ SALT Ancestral RESCUE Society for Alternative Learning and Transformation SALT goes out of the way to tap into indigenous knowledge and traditional practices to revive harmonious relationship between people, culture and natural world. Recently met with this organization. It’s at the forefront of reestablishing bonds with the ancestral wisdom […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS AMERICA UNMASKED BABYLON’S IMMINENT COLLAPSE IS UPON US We can expect desperate measures will continue to be taken to keep itself propped up. Truth must prevail and not be hidden in times such as this. Africa must be wise to these facts in order to not be sucked into America’s collapse and […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS HOW FOUNDATIONAL ARE BLACK AMERICANS? Breaking down how the colonizers Divide and Conquer Africans on the Continent and in the Diaspora. Today, we certainly cannot move freely around the African continent. Air travel has been sliced and diced making it very difficult and expensive to fly within the continent. It’s cheaper to […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS LEAVE AMERICA TO SAVE THE CHILDREN The testimonial speaks for itself but there are as many stories as there are returnees… West Africa and East Africa have significantly different “vibes”. This new organization is dedicated to implanting a love of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math into young African children. Prof. Oku […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS Why We Moved To Africa The testimonial speaks for itself but there are as many stories as there are returnees… West Africa and East Africa have significantly different “vibes”. Prof. Oku Singer, Mechanical/Solar Engineer INVENTION SCHOOL’S SIGNATURE SERIES The technological progress of Africa and its diasporans was dramatically broken beginning with slavery […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS Oku’s Washing Machine SOLVING PROBLEMS… Families across the African continent spend countless hours squatting or stooping over while hand washing the family’s clothes. The toll on the back and hands is severe. The task of hand washing the equivalent of a typical single load of an electric washing machine can take up […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS FREE LAND IN AFRICA FREE LAND IN AFRICA: THAT’S WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT NOW 1. The broken promise of 40 acres and a mule would have lead to empowerment, self-reliance, competition, and equality. 2. The thought of reparations of any sort after 350 years of effectively free slave labor makes the majority […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS Invention School Episode 1: Welcome Home Nonku Invention School Episode 1: Welcome Home Nonku As the last and final chosen apprentice at Africa Rejuvenates Thinking’s “Invention School”, Nonkululeko visits its world headquarters in rural Kenya to meet Kim and Kate and all of the staff scientists and engineers. After the visit, Nonku […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS AFRICAN HOME LIFE AFRICAN HOME LIFE: I was the home entertainment system LOL I just took on an amalgam of styles from life in Hawaii, North America , and West Africa as well as beloved musical influences from South America, Spain, India, and China. To watch Invention […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS VOICE ACTORS WANTED FOR ANIMATION SERIES PILOT VOICE ACTORS WANTED FOR ANIMATION SERIES PILOT Logline: “Invention School” ~ A churning group of 12 highly creative “woke” African youth around the world are able to meet, learn, and collaborate online on their own valuable problem solving inventions through the efforts and support of […]

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