MEMBERS & VISITORS: African Citizenship For African Diaspora African countries That Offer Citizenship to African American & African Diaspora – In recent years, several African countries have opened their doors to embrace and reconnect with the African Diaspora and Black Americans who seek a stronger connection to their ancestral roots as I do. Through […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: The 10 Best Countries for African American Expats & African Diaspora In 2020 I took a leap of faith and left the United States for a new life void of hate, greed, broken promises, fear, violence, and toxicity of every stripe. In the Divided States there is a concerted effort to […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: Black Inventors in Modern Medicine Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett, a viral immunologist and senior research fellow at the National Institutes of Health, was working on the development of a vaccine against novel coronaviruses when the news of a new pneumonialike illness in China broke out in early January 2020. It was later […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: Those 3 AM Dreams DOES ART IMITATE LIFE OR VICE VERSA? This is the kind of 3 AM dream one has when they’re up to their eyeballs in dreams about the future. Professor Singer had always been fascinated by the continent of Africa. Growing up as an African American in the […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS PUTTING OUR HEADS TOGETHER An active question being raised on the African continent as well as within the African diaspora is, “What will happen when we put our heads together?” Because of the background of manufactured ignorance these two bodies of individuals have had about each other, this is a timely […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS AFRICAN INSPIRED HAIRSTYLES Salons remain a thriving business on the African continent even during difficult financial times. It may be fair to say that African inspired hairstyles are even MORE popular with African descendant women in the United States as we can see here. I eagerly wait to see what my […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS Why Black Americans Are Leaving The U.S. “I Don’t Think I’m Going To Get That Here” A small but growing percentage of African descendants in America and elsewhere are taking a clear-eyed look at their domestic situation in 2022 just as some European Jews did in the mid 1930s. Consider the […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS HISTORY OF AFRICAN PEOPLES Many manuscripts of the history of African people around the world are available for download and sharing HERE. These manuscripts were donated by Mr. Jerry Leads. Prof. Oku Singer INVENTION SCHOOL’S SIGNATURE SERIES The technological progress of Africa and its diasporans was dramatically broken beginning with slavery […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS WHICH AFRICAN NATIONS ARE ATTRACTING THE TALENTS AND MONEY OF AFRICAN DIASPORANS? Some nations like Rwanda are attracting the interest of developers, expatriates, and financiers to a much higher degree than other African nations. Tanzania, Gambia, Uganda, and Ghana are also very popular destinations for those in the African diaspora wishing to […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS HOW FOUNDATIONAL ARE BLACK AMERICANS? Breaking down how the colonizers Divide and Conquer Africans on the Continent and in the Diaspora. Today, we certainly cannot move freely around the African continent. Air travel has been sliced and diced making it very difficult and expensive to fly within the continent. It’s cheaper to […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS LEAVE AMERICA TO SAVE THE CHILDREN The testimonial speaks for itself but there are as many stories as there are returnees… West Africa and East Africa have significantly different “vibes”. This new organization is dedicated to implanting a love of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math into young African children. Prof. Oku […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS AFRICAN FUTURISM IN MOVIES AND BOOKS With the success of Black Panther, the term Afro-Futurism got pushed into the mainstream. But what is Afro-Futurism and what is its place in Black storytelling? In this episode we give you the starter pack on answering that question. Hosted by Lindsay Ellis and Princess Weekes, […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS MILLIONAIRE INVENTOR: Madam C.J. Walker Madam C.J. Walker was suffering from poverty and hair loss when she decided to concoct a hair regrowth lotion to heal her damaged scalp. Fast forward a handful of years and millions of dollars later, Walker was leading one of the most successful, and philanthropic, cosmetic companies […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS YOUNG KENYAN INVENTS ROBOTS A young Kenyan is proving that a lack of funding should not affect your dreams. Samuel Zila is a self-taught robot maker. His creations help around the house, but he has far bigger dreams for them in the future. To watch Invention School’s full library of movies visit […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS Technological Inventions by Africans Inventors of Ancient Africa The human species evolved on the continent of Africa. This means that Africa has been inhabited longer than any place on Earth. So it’s not surprising to learn that some of the greatest inventors in human history were living on this continent. The history […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS INCREDIBLE INNOVATIONS FROM TANZANIA, KENYA, NIGERIA, AND SOUTH AFRICA From a scientist in Tanzania who created a water filter to combat water-borne diseases to apps in Kenya that give school children access to unlimited information, Africa is home to incredible technological innovations. To watch Invention School’s full library of movies visit Invention […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS Black Inventors of the 20th and 21st Century A video presentation about famous black men and women inventors of the 20th and the 21st century. This video is just a short list of the MANY contributions of blacks throughout history. NOTE: Video narrative was obtained from and Please visit these […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS NIGERIAN INVENTOR HAS RESOURCEFULLY BUILT MORE STUFF Nigerian inventor who built jet car according to CNN report has built another flying car, Durojaiye Kehinde Obasanjo To watch Invention School’s full library of movies visit Invention School’s Home Page. INVENTION SCHOOL’S SIGNATURE SERIES The technological progress of Africa and its diasporans was […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS A DAY WITHOUT BLACK INVENTIONS Imagine a day where you couldn’t use anything invented by a black person. This description and title is a presumed riff on the movie title “A Day Without A Mexican”. Both of these considerations will bring the viewer to squarely contemplate the true contributions of inventors of […]

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