MEMBERS & VISITORS: African Unity ~ A Love Story Thank you for this one! It will contribute to the kind of African unity many of us yearn for faster than anything the African Union, ECOWAS, and their ilk could ever manifest. On top of this kind of union is the emotional and spiritual ties […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: Those 3 AM Dreams DOES ART IMITATE LIFE OR VICE VERSA? This is the kind of 3 AM dream one has when they’re up to their eyeballs in dreams about the future. Professor Singer had always been fascinated by the continent of Africa. Growing up as an African American in the […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: Miss America Beauty Returned To Her Ghanaian Roots Ghanaian hospitality and welcoming to Africans in the diaspora is reaping huge returns across many sectors so Ghana has become the leader in teaming up with their diasporan counterparts for an absolute win win situation. Watch and learn more. In this video, Vanessa […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS Columbus Discovered America then America Discovered Africa… again… Another Black American who chose Kenya as her new home The OneMicShow, is the longest running Kenyan Diaspora Radio Show that broadcasts live every Friday from the outskirts of Washington, DC. It features discussions on Politics, Social issues, Music and […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS PREVENT AFRICAN UNITY AT ALL COSTS PREVENT AFRICAN UNITY AT ALL COSTS For many decades there has been a concerted effort by the west to remove, assassinate, neutralize, discredit, and defame any leader who has attempted to unite African people, wherever they may be on the planet. The list of past […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS STAR SPANGLED BANNER For your listening pleasure make sure you visit Invention School’s MUSIC CHANNEL where you can watch and listen to our complete line of songs and music videos on this site. Many are posted as karaoke-style sing along format which you’ll certainly enjoy if you’re a karaoke fan. While visiting […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS AMERICA For your listening pleasure make sure you visit Invention School’s MUSIC CHANNEL where you can watch and listen to our complete line of songs and music videos on this site. Many are posted as karaoke-style sing along format which you’ll certainly enjoy if you’re a karaoke fan. While visiting the MUSIC […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS BATTLE HYMN For your listening pleasure make sure you visit Invention School’s MUSIC CHANNEL where you can watch and listen to our complete line of songs and music videos on this site. Many are posted as karaoke-style sing along format which you’ll certainly enjoy if you’re a karaoke fan. While visiting the […]

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