MEMBERS & VISITORS: Eugenicist Mayhem Charles had always been fascinated by the power of science and technology to change the world. As a young inventor at Tharaka Invention Academy, he had dedicated himself to finding solutions to some of the biggest challenges facing Africa and the world. But as he danced the deck of […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: WHO WOULD BENEFIT FROM INVENTION EDUCATION? It is difficult to specify an “ideal” target population for invention education in Africa and other parts of the world occupied by those in the African diaspora, as different groups may have different needs and priorities. However, some potential groups that would certainly benefit from […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: Let’s Talk About Invention Education Which African countries offer invention education to its students? In Africa, many countries offer education in invention and innovation to their students. Some examples include: South Africa: The South African government has implemented several initiatives to promote innovation and entrepreneurship among young people, such as the […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS Young Inventors Solving African Problems There is a tremendous need for invention and innovation to solve challenges in Kenya, for example, but the public and private school systems largely do not yet formally recognize this need and have not accommodated systems to meet these needs. When recognized, priority is given to […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS CYBER INVENTION CURRICULUM The Tharaka Invention Academy Cyber Curriculum uses a framework that follows steps we’ll take in the invention process. It includes introductory courses to help students get started. It also introduces students to entrepreneurial concepts to get them thinking about what happens beyond the invention process. This curriculum framework […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS A BETTER MOUSETRAP YOUNG AFRICAN INVENTORS HAVE MANY OPPORTUNITIES “Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door” is a phrase attributed to the writer Ralph Waldo Emerson in the late nineteenth century. The phrase has turned into a metaphor about the power of innovation and […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS BREAKUP WITH TOXIC MAKEUP African Inventors have the inspirational opportunity to leapfrog the psychologically and physically dangerous beauty practices of wealthier developed nations. These practices affect the mental and physical health of adherents who buy into the marketing psychology of this multi-billion dollar industry. The opportunities exist to forge new types […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS I HAD A DREAM Many of us know the story of Noah and the Ark. Noah served as an agent of God whose role was to become a servant poised to help launch a new beginning for those under his care. I had a dream in which I was able to […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS YOUNG APPRENTICE INVENTORS WILL TACKLE THESE PROBLEMS When young minds are given a heads up about some of the challenges that interest them besetting their homeland , their solutions may be percolating for 10 years or more, but you can believe that they will come up with solutions. Aside from writing […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS 7 QUESTIONS THAT MUST BE ASKED ABOUT THE SERIES 7 QUESTIONS THAT MUST BE ASKED ABOUT THE GRAPHIC NOVEL SERIES 1. What is the world that the characters inhabit? I use images of people that look a little bit different, like a girl that has a bald head. She shaved her […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS PREPARING A GENERATION OF AFRICAN INVENTORS PREPARING A GENERATION OF AFRICAN INVENTORS I am working hard to implement a real world Invention School for African youth. Given the world’s current state of affairs, the stage is now set for Africans to deeply explore solutions to African problems without being hampered by […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS Young People Like This Belong In Invention School A Kenyan boy with big brilliant brain builds a homemade excavator prototype from sticks and plastic pieces. He’s already developing a natural sense of four bar linkages, mechanical advantage, material properties, force leverage, force vectors, etc. Yes, he’d make a wonderful apprentice inventor […]

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