MEMBERS & VISITORS: I’m In Africa Now In the rest of nature when the quality and nature of an environment drops enough, species which are sensitive to these deficiencies or dangers will leave that environment because it cannot adequately sustain life OR by default they simply die off. How many Americans recognize that there […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS RACISM WITHIN WESTERN MASS MEDIA ON FULL DISPLAY “RACISM WITHIN WESTERN MASS MEDIA ON FULL DISPLAY” It doesn’t take much effort or insight to discover the true intentions and biases available in modern wester media. In these dire times the pretense of equality and fairness as regards treatment of people of […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS A House Divided A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand So many of my family, friends, and associates remain tacitly tied to the life, culture, and fate of the western world while I see it in steep and deep intractable apocalyptic decline. I chose to simply walk away and cancel any […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS BABYLON’S NEVER ENDING STREAM OF QUESTIONABLE TECHNOLOGIES Forget losing your job to robots, Scientists have created robots that can reproduce. ‘Xenobots’ are capable of ‘self-replicating’ themselves. They are made up of stem cells taken from frogs. Astounded? Watch this report by Palki Sharma for the details. For an additional African perspective […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS Why Is Ethiopia Being Targeted By Western Powers? Prof. Oku Singer, Mechanical/Solar Engineer INVENTION SCHOOL’S SIGNATURE SERIES The technological progress of Africa and its diasporans was dramatically broken beginning with slavery and later through its colonization by European powers. With the arrival of the 21st century, a new era of an awakened […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS LEAVE AMERICA TO SAVE THE CHILDREN The testimonial speaks for itself but there are as many stories as there are returnees… West Africa and East Africa have significantly different “vibes”. This new organization is dedicated to implanting a love of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math into young African children. Prof. Oku […]

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