MEMBERS & VISITORS THE SECRET TO AFRICAN PROSPERITY This analysis gives a purported reason why African countries remain amongst the poorest in the world but hidden within the same message is the path out of poverty to a new prosperity. Implied in that suggested path is the risk of danger in pursuing that strategy. […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS AMERICAN IMPERIALISM OF AFRICANS AT ITS FINEST Another cautionary tale for modern Africa… “I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues,” Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler, a leader of the American force in Haiti, wrote in 1935, describing himself as a “racketeer […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS WHICH FRAUD STARTED THIS MESS? The End Game: Documentary producer Aaron Russo gives us his heart-felt ideas about America’s challenges and addresses which fraud started this mess. “Power corrupts but absolute power is kind of cool” 😉 Don’t expect the owners of mainstream media to spread these kind of facts. “AMERICA: FREEDOM […]

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