MEMBERS & VISITORS: A Patois Revival It is evident that Jamaica is grappling with the desire to assert its cultural and linguistic independence as it seeks to distance itself from the legacy of colonialism and neo-colonialism. Several key points can be concluded regarding Jamaica’s intent: The movement to elevate Patois to official language status […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: Mr. Wizard sparked my science career. I used to just LOVE watching Mr. Wizard on television when I was a little boy. He performed some of the neatest stuff I ever saw and I could tell that he really liked kids and sincerely wanted us to learn about the things he […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: Children Are Deliberately Dumbed Down If you’ve been paying attention, you’ll notice that the overall performance, health, and well-being of our children’s education is steadily degrading. What can you do about it? Tharaka Invention Academy’s focus is to foster creativity and problem solving in our youth, especially our African youth. We […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: Those 3 AM Dreams DOES ART IMITATE LIFE OR VICE VERSA? This is the kind of 3 AM dream one has when they’re up to their eyeballs in dreams about the future. Professor Singer had always been fascinated by the continent of Africa. Growing up as an African American in the […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS ANOTHER PROBLEM IN SEARCH OF AN INVENTOR: MOSQUITOES The seemingly intractable problem of mosquito bites is awaiting some ingenious African inventor. The final solution will likely involve several domains of knowledge and will come about when some keen insight has reached the light of day. Could you be the person who […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS Wake Up Young Africans and Transform The Continent Twende Hub is a social innovation center, with the believe of collaborating with students and community members in Tanzania to identify their challenges and design & create their own solutions to their problems will contribute to a world with improved access to technologies […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS LEARNING TREES: Delivering Content On Africa’s Terms LEARNING TREES: Delivering Learning Outcomes On Africa’s Terms A New Earth is forming in Africa and elsewhere and one of the pillars of that formation is the system of education which can successfully bring about that transformation. Starting in the 1960s, various black communities […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS Distorted Perceptions and Geopolitics This Clever Map Shows the True Size of Countries MAPS: Distorted Perceptions and Geopolitics In a more globally connected world, geographic literacy is more important than ever. As young African students see distorted views of non African lands they develop misconceptions about the size of continents and […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS YOUNG APPRENTICE INVENTORS WILL TACKLE THESE PROBLEMS When young minds are given a heads up about some of the challenges that interest them besetting their homeland , their solutions may be percolating for 10 years or more, but you can believe that they will come up with solutions. Aside from writing […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS Get Students Hooked On Science Here’s a look at several popular websites that can get students hooked on science. Teachers A collaboration between the New York Hall of Science, IBM Corporation, and, Teachers TryScience is all about offering design-based learning strategies and lesson plans to teachers who believe in the […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS SOUTH KOREA IS A CASE STUDY IN DISCIPLINE SOUTH KOREA IS A CASE STUDY IN DISCIPLINE It’s amazing to know that in the mid 20th century, South Korea was one of the poorest, least developed countries in Asia. The road it followed to prosperity and power is lined with discipline and […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS KIDS ARE HUMAN FLOWERS KIDS ARE HUMAN FLOWERS I really enjoy working hard but I also know that there must be balance with the rest of the living experience. For the last several weeks it’s been steadily raining precious water onto the thirsty landscape here in Kenya. This leaves the land […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS Young People Like This Belong In Invention School A Kenyan boy with big brilliant brain builds a homemade excavator prototype from sticks and plastic pieces. He’s already developing a natural sense of four bar linkages, mechanical advantage, material properties, force leverage, force vectors, etc. Yes, he’d make a wonderful apprentice inventor […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS YANKEE DOODLE YANKEE DOODLE LYRICS For your listening pleasure make sure you visit Invention School’s MUSIC CHANNEL where you can watch and listen to our complete line of songs and music videos on this site. Many are posted as karaoke-style sing along format which you’ll certainly enjoy if you’re a karaoke fan. […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS Sweet Mama Put Him In Low For your listening pleasure make sure you visit Invention School’s MUSIC CHANNEL where you can watch and listen to our complete line of songs and music videos on this site. Many are posted as karaoke-style sing along format which you’ll certainly enjoy if you’re a karaoke […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS YOU CAN’T DO THAT TO ME For your listening pleasure make sure you visit Invention School’s MUSIC CHANNEL where you can watch and listen to our complete line of songs and music videos on this site. Many are posted as karaoke-style sing along format which you’ll certainly enjoy if you’re a karaoke […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS HOKEY POKEY For your listening pleasure make sure you visit Invention School’s MUSIC CHANNEL where you can watch and listen to our complete line of songs and music videos on this site. Many are posted as karaoke-style sing along format which you’ll certainly enjoy if you’re a karaoke fan. While visiting the […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS I’m A Little Teapot For your listening pleasure make sure you visit Invention School’s MUSIC CHANNEL where you can watch and listen to our complete line of songs and music videos on this site. Many are posted as karaoke-style sing along format which you’ll certainly enjoy if you’re a karaoke fan. While […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS IN HIS HANDS For your listening pleasure make sure you visit Invention School’s MUSIC CHANNEL where you can watch and listen to our complete line of songs and music videos on this site. Many are posted as karaoke-style sing along format which you’ll certainly enjoy if you’re a karaoke fan. While visiting […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS CHESS RULES Listen to Prof. Binary Mouse’s news report on the amazing chess tournament winning streak of students at a Brooklyn, NY elementary school. INVENTION SCHOOL’S SIGNATURE SERIES The technological progress of Africa and its diasporans was dramatically broken beginning with slavery and later through its colonization by European powers. With the […]

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