MEMBERS & VISITORS: Can African Inventors Save Africa From Cancerous Foods? Palki Sharma tells you why Palm oil could be dangerous for you. In this case the people of Kenya, including myself, should be more cautious of the foods we are consuming, including vegetable oils. I’m slightly less concerned because my diet is primarily […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS Cancer Is Killing Black Women The main preventable causes of cancer are diet, smoking and infection. Of these, diet is likely to most disproportionately affect women over the coming years. It has been estimated that over half a million cancers worldwide can be directly linked to obesity and inactivity every year. […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS CORRUPTION: Crime Against Humanity SaharaTV interviews Director of Kenya School of Law and the former Director of the Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission, Prof. Patrick Loch Otieno Lumumba. Across the African continent, claims Prof. Lumumba, corruption has killed more people than all of Africa’s civil wars. Corruption should rightfully be labeled as a […]

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