MEMBERS & VISITORS: Agricultural Inventions- Growing Sweet Potatoes Just a review invention so that you can grow them easily in your home using very little land or water. We have published other informative posts on Invention School’s website which may interest you. To view our entire catalog of over 800 posts go to […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS KENYAN MARKETPLACE I truly cannot say that I have enjoyed the experience of shopping in a typical American or western world food store. I can honestly say that I enjoy the bustle, chatter, bargaining, color, smell, and rhythm of shopping at my nearby open air market. The experience is very much […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS WE DIG WORMS For your listening pleasure make sure you visit Invention School’s MUSIC CHANNEL where you can watch and listen to our complete line of songs and music videos on this site. Many are posted as karaoke-style sing along format which you’ll certainly enjoy if you’re a karaoke fan. While visiting […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS INTO THE GARDEN For your listening pleasure make sure you visit Invention School’s MUSIC CHANNEL where you can watch and listen to our complete line of songs and music videos on this site. Many are posted as karaoke-style sing along format which you’ll certainly enjoy if you’re a karaoke fan. While visiting […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS MIGRANT WORKER SHORTAGE Your Virtual World News brings you a story about the shortage of workers in the United States who are needed to farm and harvest the crops. Current laws and policies make it difficult for workers and employers to satisfy this need for more people to work in the agricultural […]

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