MEMBERS & VISITORS: DIY~Living Past 100 Years There appears to be certain common aspects of lifestyle shared by people who live to be 100 years old or longer. There are unquestionably individuals who yearn for a long productive life. Can you imagine ways that inventors can contribute to this goal? Whether it be agriculture, […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: Africans, we are killing ourselves “It is mind-boggling to understand why such products are being allowed in the market.” Let’s listen to the words of professionals on the issue of permitting genetically modified organisms into the environments where you live. Despite these powerful objections there are, unfortunately, some African governments who […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS BREAKUP WITH TOXIC MAKEUP African Inventors have the inspirational opportunity to leapfrog the psychologically and physically dangerous beauty practices of wealthier developed nations. These practices affect the mental and physical health of adherents who buy into the marketing psychology of this multi-billion dollar industry. The opportunities exist to forge new types […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS My Little Buddy Poor guy. He/she appears to be missing one leg. In nature, that’s not enough to stop the show. Though not at all aggressive at well over 4 inches in length, he’s neither speedy nor shy, nor fearful. Miracles happen all around me all of […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS CORRUPTION: Crime Against Humanity SaharaTV interviews Director of Kenya School of Law and the former Director of the Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission, Prof. Patrick Loch Otieno Lumumba. Across the African continent, claims Prof. Lumumba, corruption has killed more people than all of Africa’s civil wars. Corruption should rightfully be labeled as a […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS CRIMES AGAINST AFRICA ALSO VIOLATIONS OF LAW EQUALS CRIMES AGAINST AFRICA If you do not consent to measures others may try to impose upon you, nobody can legally force you to accept these same measures. In this brilliant interview, lawyer Anna de Buisseret explains clearly and eloquently how those responsible for […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS NOT PANDEMIC BUT VITAMIN D DEFICIENCY At the end of the day, the RonaJab is bad news. This is a Mayo Clinic trained pathologist and he is a virologist and speaks truth about masks, the shot, vitamin D and preventative measures! Listen to the first 3 minutes and decide if you want […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS THE PLANDEMIC Video interview removed from social networks because what Dr. Judy Mikovits says is out of sync with the ambient doxa. When you’re not afraid of the truth, you let the truth come out. After all, people are old enough to know and understand what is good for them and their […]

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