MEMBERS & VISITORS: The American System Is Almost Finished Too “BRICS impact on global trade and U.S. agriculture” American System is Almost Finished Because of BRICS. Hello friends. This is Professor Singer. Although I’m American I repatriated from the United States and now reside permanently in Africa. The doors of opportunity are opening up […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: Can Africa Outsmart Super Powers? Can Africa Outsmart Super Powers? “Hello, family! Today, we’re going on an exciting journey to explore how African countries are interacting with two big countries, China and Russia, as part of a group called BRICS. These countries are very strong and have a lot of influence […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: Some African Leaders See A Way Forward Yes, African inventors will be able to thrive and help others around them thrive but there must be a partnership and coordinated efforts between them and African leadership. Africa is seeking true allies who will not attempt to exploit her as did the imperialists, […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: One day they’ll wake up Almost 100 years ago, famous U.S. cartoonist Bob Minor had a realization, Western nations ruled the world because they were rich in money and. guns. China, India, and Africa were poor in money and guns, but rich in people. One day, the balance of power would […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: Young Wealthy Inventor _____________________________________ I believe that it is our ability to adapt, evolve and improve is what makes us human, the same way the traditional practices are not immutable, we can find a new way to better it and that has been my drive in my inventions, to better the […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS AMERICA UNMASKED BABYLON’S IMMINENT COLLAPSE IS UPON US We can expect desperate measures will continue to be taken to keep itself propped up. Truth must prevail and not be hidden in times such as this. Africa must be wise to these facts in order to not be sucked into America’s collapse and […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS FOR THE NEXT 7 GENERATIONS In 2004, 13 Indigenous Grandmothers from all four corners, moved by their concern for our planet, came together at a historic gathering, where they decided to form an alliance: The International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers. This is their story. Four years in-the-making and shot on location […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS INDIA AND CHINA DEVELOP CLOSER TIES Despite a history interspersed with considerable difference between the two powers, both have realized the mutual benefit of economic cooperation. The two countries lie on each others’ border. INVENTION SCHOOL’S SIGNATURE SERIES The technological progress of Africa and its diasporans was dramatically broken beginning with slavery […]

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Read more by clicking just below on the down arrow… MEMBERS & VISITORS LESSONS FROM HISTORY LESSONS FROM HISTORY The Great Salt March of Mahatma Gandhi. INVENTION SCHOOL’S SIGNATURE SERIES The technological progress of Africa and its diasporans was dramatically broken beginning with slavery and later through its colonization by European powers. With the arrival […]

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