MEMBERS & VISITORS: Locked in Power “Locked in Power: Why Africa’s Leaders Resist Change and Innovation” Progressive African leaders all acknowledge the positive effects that vigorous efforts toward innovation and invention have huge paybacks for the entire nation. As such, they dedicate policies, procedures, and even institutions and governmental bodies to promote innovations. However, […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: China Exposes 5 Lessons Africa Must Do To Develop China’s transformation from a poor developing nation into an economic giant today offers great lessons for Africa. China is still developing and far from being ideal. However, what it has accomplished in just over 30 years is very remarkable and can serve […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: Leave Africa Alone In recent years, Africa has been witnessing a significant shift in power dynamics as African leaders are taking more control over their countries’ resources and development. This has been reflected in the decreasing influence of America and Europe in the continent. In this video, we will explore the […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS What If Africa Was Just ONE Country? What If Africa Was Just ONE Country? Make no mistake, drawing up broad generalizations about the African continent is likely to be met with strong reactions, often deemed willfully ignorant. For as long as time has allowed, Africa has struggled with an image problem, […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS CORRUPTION: Crime Against Humanity SaharaTV interviews Director of Kenya School of Law and the former Director of the Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission, Prof. Patrick Loch Otieno Lumumba. Across the African continent, claims Prof. Lumumba, corruption has killed more people than all of Africa’s civil wars. Corruption should rightfully be labeled as a […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS Who Is Going To Build Africa? Who Is Going To Build Africa Into A First World Continent? If not those in the African Diaspora who have the skills and resources, then who??? Prof. Oku Singer, Mechanical/Solar Engineer

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS FRESH WATER IS THE WORLD’S NEW GOLD Lake Nalubaale, later called Lake Victoria, is one of the African Great Lakes. The lake was later named after Queen Victoria by the explorer John Hanning Speke, the first Briton to document it in 1858. The European colonialists were rabid about renaming everything they […]

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