MEMBERS & VISITORS: World Economic Forum 14 Million Jobs May Be Cut in The Next Five Years The World Economic Forum says 14 million jobs could be eliminated in the next five years. Employers are expected to slash more jobs than creating new ones. What is driving this change? Palki Sharma tells you more. […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS WHICH FRAUD STARTED THIS MESS? The End Game: Documentary producer Aaron Russo gives us his heart-felt ideas about America’s challenges and addresses which fraud started this mess. “Power corrupts but absolute power is kind of cool” 😉 Don’t expect the owners of mainstream media to spread these kind of facts. “AMERICA: FREEDOM […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS HIGHER EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES Prof. Binary Mouse hosts Your Virtual World News report on the inequality in employment between those with higher levels of education in both developed and developing nations. INVENTION SCHOOL’S SIGNATURE SERIES The technological progress of Africa and its diasporans was dramatically broken beginning with slavery and later through its […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS IMMIGRANTS HELP NEW YORK ECONOMY Prof. Binary Mouse hosts a news segment in which we learn of the strong contribution immigrants have made to New York’s economy. Immigrants do make up about 40% of the city’s population. INVENTION SCHOOL’S SIGNATURE SERIES The technological progress of Africa and its diasporans was dramatically broken […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS INDIA AND CHINA DEVELOP CLOSER TIES Despite a history interspersed with considerable difference between the two powers, both have realized the mutual benefit of economic cooperation. The two countries lie on each others’ border. INVENTION SCHOOL’S SIGNATURE SERIES The technological progress of Africa and its diasporans was dramatically broken beginning with slavery […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS ONLINE COURSE & TECHNICAL SKILLS Your Virtual World News reports on the trend toward building more online classes capable of training technical skills to workers seeking employment or for those who are already employed. INVENTION SCHOOL’S SIGNATURE SERIES The technological progress of Africa and its diasporans was dramatically broken beginning with slavery […]

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