MEMBERS & VISITORS Why Develop African Invention Education? Africa’s incredible wealth of natural resources is a good starting point. The fact that this material wealth has been historically and primarily extracted for the greater benefit of others outside of Africa is a good second point. Technological advances in artificial intelligence, human speech recognition, and […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS INVENTION SCHOOL APPRENTICES WILL WORK ON PROBLEMS LIKE ROAD BUILDING USING LOCALLY AVAILABLE MATERIALS The Roman Empire reached its greatest extent in the year 117 under the emperor Trajan. Its leaders were able to mobilize its military to build roads of such quality and usefulness that many are still used today […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS INNOVATION KNOWS NO BOUNDS Creativity can apply to solving social problems, making potable water, developing sustainable energy systems, healing sickness, developing affordable housing, or creating a recipe for a dazzling new soft drink… Coca Cola has become a global soft drink behemoth after introducing its highly sought after beverages. One of […]

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