MEMBERS & VISITORS: Reclaiming Talent – The African Brain Drain Listen to this post as it is read out loud to you. ______________________________________ Treatise: Reclaiming Talent – The African Brain Drain Below, I’ll begin by identifying 10 prominent African-born citizens in each of the specified categories who have achieved career prominence in non-African countries. […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: World Economic Forum 14 Million Jobs May Be Cut in The Next Five Years The World Economic Forum says 14 million jobs could be eliminated in the next five years. Employers are expected to slash more jobs than creating new ones. What is driving this change? Palki Sharma tells you more. […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS Are Rats Jumping Ship? CITIZENSHIP BROKERS: Americans are buying second passports America’s rich & elite are buying second passports. Others who are not so rich are also “jumping ship” because the promises of America are being severely broken. Americans are reaping what has been sown since the country’s founding centuries ago. […]

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