MEMBERS & VISITORS: JOURNEY IN THE HEART OF AFRICA “Journey In The Heart of Africa: A Story of Love, Land, and Legacy” is a captivating and deeply personal documentary that chronicles the remarkable life journey of an American African expatriate, his profound experiences in Ghana during the 1970s, and the transformative years spent in […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: Embracing Roots, Defying Odds: My Return to Africa After 44 Years I cast my fate to the wind when I decided, in 2020, to return to Africa after a nearly 44 year hiatus since leaving Ghana after a five year stay in 1976. “Cast your fate to the wind” is an […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: Research and Development Continues At Tharaka Invention Academy here in Marimanti, the research and development of solar powered food dehydrators continues. In Kenya, we have limited access to the wide variety of industrial processes, equipment, and materials commonly available in modern industrialized states. Therefore, we have to be more creative and […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: African Geoengineering Push As an African and geoengineering expert, I am acutely aware of the potential dangers and risks associated with geoengineering technology and its use. While some see it as a potential solution to climate change, others view it as a means of weather warfare and a tool for achieving […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: MARIMANTI BIRD SONGS Among other things, this is what one gets when living as proper custodians of Mother Earth who nurtures us… We have published other informative posts on Invention School’s website which may interest you. To view our entire catalog of over 800 posts go to or use our […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS IS KENYA’S WEATHER NOW BEING MANIPULATED? On September 29, 2022 at 6:43 PM I observed and photographed an atmospheric aerosol injection, aka “chemtrail”, in the sky above Marimanti, Kenya. I pointed out this observation to others present with me at the time. We observed this phenomena over a period of twelve […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS Inventors and Professor Singer The technological progress of Africa and its diasporans was dramatically broken beginning with slavery and later through its colonization by European powers. With the arrival of the 21st century, a new era of an awakened Africa has dawned. In the graphic novel series we are developing entitled […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS Celebrating Bishop Peter Karangu THE BEST GIFT OF ALL As we come to the earth we start the journey as a tiny egg fertilized by just one of billions of possibilities among the many sperm just waiting to burrow into that lonely egg drifting down mom’s fallopian tube. Perhaps the real […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS ELOSY WANJA’S GRADUATION CELEBRATION Virginia Kinyua, Elosy’s mom, worked soooo hard to make her oldest daughter’s graduation party a great success. But Virginia was not alone. It took the coordinated help of the Training Center employess, and family, and friends working together to make this one of Elosy’s most memorable days. […]

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