MEMBERS & VISITORS: Briana’s Electrogenetic Interace Chapter 1: A Spark of Inspiration I’m Briana, a young inventor from London, and I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to work remotely with Africa Rejuvenates Thinking, or ART for short, based in Nairobi. My home workspace is a testament to the wonders of technology and my own […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: The Dance of Regeneration STORY Charles, a brilliant young student from the coastal city of Kingston, Jamaica, had always been an ardent participant in the online Invention School, facilitated by Kim and Kate. This platform fostered an environment for him to transform ideas into tangible realities, from the comfort of his […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: Benefits of Solar Dried Produce The Benefits of Solar Dried Fruits and Vegetables, Spices, and Herbs Tharaka Invention Circle CBO is actively researching methods of food preservation using solar energy. The aim is to identify methods and materials available locally here in East Africa. Effective solutions will add value to local […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS African Inventors African Inventors Learn about 11 African inventors whose incredible inventions changed the world. Most people are only familiar with well-known inventions such as cars, light bulbs, and smartphones. But there are breakthrough contributions from the African continent across fields such as medicine, energy, e-commerce, and many more industries. I […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS A MYSTERY’S SOLUTION For several years I’ve lightly sweated over a puzzling mystery. In my late 40s I experienced a slow but gradual degradation in my ability to see close up small things and read small type on paper and on devices like my computer. The optometrist examined me, gave me […]

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