MEMBERS & VISITORS: The Ocean Refuses No River Returning to Ancestral Roots I’d like to tell you a story which actually came to me in a dream last night. It comes eerily close to the life I’m experiencing here in Kenya. I’ll call it “The Ocean Refuses No River: A Story of Return”. Jamal […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: RATS KNOW WHEN TO ESCAPE Hello family. This is Professor Singer and I wanted to share with you a very inspiring and thought provoking story. In the mosaic of human history, the threads of colonization and the enslavement of African descendants weave a complex pattern of systemic oppression, economic exploitation, and […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: I’m In Africa Now In the rest of nature when the quality and nature of an environment drops enough, species which are sensitive to these deficiencies or dangers will leave that environment because it cannot adequately sustain life OR by default they simply die off. How many Americans recognize that there […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS Why Black Americans Are Leaving The U.S. “I Don’t Think I’m Going To Get That Here” A small but growing percentage of African descendants in America and elsewhere are taking a clear-eyed look at their domestic situation in 2022 just as some European Jews did in the mid 1930s. Consider the […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS Wake Up Young Africans and Transform The Continent EMIGRATING TO AFRICA WAS A NO-BRAINER 64% of my unaltered DNA which remains untouched by globalist manipulaton schemes, originates on the African continent. Unlike America, the people here do not regard that as a cause for shame or revulsion or fear but rather […]

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