MEMBERS & VISITORS: How AI could HELP DEVELOPING Nations Artificial intelligence is a powerful technology that can transform the world for the better. Future inventors must be aware and conversant with this evolving technology. In this video, we will explore how AI can help underdeveloped countries overcome their challenges and achieve their potential. […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS What If Africa Was Just ONE Country? What If Africa Was Just ONE Country? Make no mistake, drawing up broad generalizations about the African continent is likely to be met with strong reactions, often deemed willfully ignorant. For as long as time has allowed, Africa has struggled with an image problem, […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS Distorted Perceptions and Geopolitics This Clever Map Shows the True Size of Countries MAPS: Distorted Perceptions and Geopolitics In a more globally connected world, geographic literacy is more important than ever. As young African students see distorted views of non African lands they develop misconceptions about the size of continents and […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS THE AFRICA THAT I KNOW… THE AFRICA THAT I KNOW… The Africa that I know is The Africa that I know is The Africa that I know is The Africa that I know is Therefore, the world can expect anything and everything emanating from this continent to be free of the […]

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