MEMBERS & VISITORS: AFRICA’s ASCENT As an American African who has lived on the African continent for over eight years, I’d like to share the following poem. AFRICA’S ASCENT I am confident, for Africa’s heart beats strong, In every rhythm, in every song. A continent rising, bold and free, A beacon of hope, for […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS HOW FOUNDATIONAL ARE BLACK AMERICANS? Breaking down how the colonizers Divide and Conquer Africans on the Continent and in the Diaspora. Today, we certainly cannot move freely around the African continent. Air travel has been sliced and diced making it very difficult and expensive to fly within the continent. It’s cheaper to […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS Invention School Episode 1: Welcome Home Nonku Invention School Episode 1: Welcome Home Nonku As the last and final chosen apprentice at Africa Rejuvenates Thinking’s “Invention School”, Nonkululeko visits its world headquarters in rural Kenya to meet Kim and Kate and all of the staff scientists and engineers. After the visit, Nonku […]

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