MEMBERS & VISITORS: Living in Kenya ~ What Diasporans Need To Know Join us to hear from our Special Guest CEO John Debelotte to receive factual information about repatriating here to Kenya and dispel ALL the mistruths spread about how to live, acquire land, obtain citizenship, and do business. His company is called Diaspora […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS MOVING TO THE MOTHERLAND ISN’T EASY MOVING TO THE MOTHERLAND ISN’T EASY Listening to this gentleman’s experiences of relocating to Ghana from the United States is an enlightening look into “the African experience”. Anybody who is considering a similar move must certainly heed his words and advice. Prof. Oku Singer, Mechanical/Solar […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS Passports DON’T FRET, YOU HAVE OPTIONS Are chemtrails, racist white supremacists, slave wages, mandatory vaccines, GMOs, 5G, tainted earth, food, and water, toxic EMF, fluoride, failing health, and other nasties of NATO nations got you down? Travel to regain control of your destiny and get the bigger picture of better possibilities! […]

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