MEMBERS & VISITORS: Inventing A New Africa The news report discusses the ongoing efforts in several African countries to remove or replace colonial symbols with ones that reflect indigenous names and cultural heritage. This movement is particularly pronounced in Burkina Faso, Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire, and South Africa. The initiative aims to reaffirm cultural identity, […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: Why Black People Are Seen As A THREAT Why did white people see black people as a Threat wherever either may be in the world? Why have white people seeing themselves as superior and yet why were white people fearful of the strong genes of black people? The answers to these […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: The West Is Keeping Africa Poor Despite the Western world’s efforts of keeping Africa poor, grassroots efforts of organizations like Tharaka Invention Circle CBO and Tharaka Invention Academy are working hard to lift local economies by providing innovative solutions to African problems using African human, financial, and material resources. American economist […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: Who Is Jealous of African’s Inventiveness? Phillip Scott reports on a woman sharing the reason why her community can’t stand African people no matter where they are in the world. She concludes that it all fundamentally boils down to a deep-seated jealousy and hatred of black people’s greatness. Phillip’s opinions may […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: Hate The Tree You Can’t Hate the Roots of a Tree and Not Hate That Tree · Malcolm X Malcolm X delivered numerous speeches that addressed issues of racial inequality, social injustice, and black pride. His speeches often emphasized the importance of understanding the historical context of racism and the need […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: Why are the Georgia Guidestones Important? Dear Africa, Why are the American created Georgia Guidestones important and posed an existential threat to Africans? You will find that very powerful and wealthy individuals and organizations are clearly behind weakening and even destroying African populations as well as other people of color based […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: Why the concern about Americans of African origin going to Africa? Phillip Scott reports on “Them Folks” media reporting on Black American traveling to African nations. Why are they so concerned about us going to African nations? The mainstream media’s coverage of Black Americans traveling to African nations may be driven […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: Eugenicist Mayhem Charles had always been fascinated by the power of science and technology to change the world. As a young inventor at Tharaka Invention Academy, he had dedicated himself to finding solutions to some of the biggest challenges facing Africa and the world. But as he danced the deck of […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: Why is Africa turning away from the United States? African creatives, problem solvers, and youth must pay careful attention to the changing dynamics between the West and Africa. The current trends indicate that Africa will move further and further away from the spheres of influence having the United States at the […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS Some Are Broken, Some Are Strong The United States maintains a brutal history of subjugation of African men that it will never openly share with the rest of the world, especially Africa. The number of pathologies experienced by all Americans because of this history are almost uncountable. Equally, the toll that […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS Protect the garden! The path forward for Africa’s relationship to the rest of the world is clear. Four hundred or more years of history have made it clear. Having grown up in the United States of America I cannot say that any of what this European Union high official said is […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS WAR AGAINST THE BLACK FAMILY It is essential that African people on the African continent have a solid understanding of the current and historic plight of African people and their descendants who were taken to the Americas. Dr. Umar Johson lays out the case that not only is there an ongoing […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS American White Supremacy BEYOND SLAVERY, AFRICAN PEOPLE WILL CONTINUE FACING GREAT DIFFICULTY IN THE UNITED STATES UNTIL… American White Supremacy The resurgence of white supremacy underscores the great need of African people to chart their own destinies by advancing the application of creativity and innovation in all spheres of human endeavor. […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS Why Black Americans Are Leaving The U.S. “I Don’t Think I’m Going To Get That Here” A small but growing percentage of African descendants in America and elsewhere are taking a clear-eyed look at their domestic situation in 2022 just as some European Jews did in the mid 1930s. Consider the […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS AMERICAN IMPERIALISM OF AFRICANS AT ITS FINEST Another cautionary tale for modern Africa… “I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues,” Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler, a leader of the American force in Haiti, wrote in 1935, describing himself as a “racketeer […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS Modern American Slave Auction U.S. School Holds Mock Slave Auction of Its African American Students Although the current year is 2022, white America and its youth are still engaging in beliefs and activities which are meant, at their core, to further entrench the institution of white supremacy on the american population. […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS WORST OF TIMES, BEST OF TIMES WORST OF TIMES, BEST OF TIMES I’m blessed to be alive, healthy, and living each day on the African continent. We are all witnessing the fall of western civilization and along with it all of the horrendous things which it perpetrated to enhance its own […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS IF I HAD A SON, HE’D LOOK LIKE TRAYVON… “IF I HAD A SON, HE’D LOOK LIKE TRAYVON…” ~ U.S. President Barack Obama Africa people globally need to understand this about the United States and the wide appeal that Africa has for African Americans who know it as their ancestral homeland. […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS AFRICANS DISPLAYED AT HUMAN ZOO WHITE PEOPLE DISPLAYED AFRICANS AT HUMAN ZOOS In exhibitions that were popular until the early 20th century, living people of color were displayed for the enjoyment of white audiences. The bigotry behind those shows lives on. Those attractions were visited by 1.5 billion people worldwide and […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS Colonialism & Origins of White Supremacy A new four-part documentary series, “Exterminate All the Brutes,” delves deeply into the legacy of European colonialism from the Americas to Africa. It has been described as an unflinching narrative of genocide and exploitation, beginning with the colonizing of Indigenous land that is now called […]

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