MEMBERS & VISITORS: Leave Africa Alone I’m your host, professor Oku Singer. I teach several courses on invention at the online school known as Tharaka Invention Academy. I have quite a impressive and valuable story to tell you about Chinese innovation. Please watch until the very end! If you like this and similar videos […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: The Dance of Regeneration STORY Charles, a brilliant young student from the coastal city of Kingston, Jamaica, had always been an ardent participant in the online Invention School, facilitated by Kim and Kate. This platform fostered an environment for him to transform ideas into tangible realities, from the comfort of his […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: Mr. Wizard sparked my science career. I used to just LOVE watching Mr. Wizard on television when I was a little boy. He performed some of the neatest stuff I ever saw and I could tell that he really liked kids and sincerely wanted us to learn about the things he […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS How can I stay in the United States at this time? HOW MANY AFRICAN GENIUSES LIVING, STUDYING, AND WORKING ABROAD WILL RETURN TO SERVE THEIR MOTHERLAND? BRAIN DRAIN: This is a question which will remain to yet be answered. In fact, some Africans in the diaspora are returning and have rejected […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS AFRICA’S BRAIN DRAIN How can Africans find solutions to Africa’s problems? Conservation biologist Kevin Njabo tells his personal story of how he nearly became part of the group of African scientists who seek an education abroad and never return — and why he’s now building a permanent base on the continent […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS BUILDING INVENTION SCHOOL GRAPHIC NOVELS BUILDING INVENTION SCHOOL GRAPHIC NOVELS Two of my areas of expertise are in computer graphics and 3D animation. With this background I’m able to accurately visualize all of the characters and scenes taking place within my stories. Kimathi and Kate are the Founders of Africa […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS Anti Aging Technology Anti-aging technology is coming. Here’s how you can be ready for it; see aging as a disease, hang out with younger, more vital folks who surround you with optimism and a youthful vision of the future, get lots of sleep, eat truly nutritious foods and avoid junk, and […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS PREPARING A GENERATION OF AFRICAN INVENTORS PREPARING A GENERATION OF AFRICAN INVENTORS I am working hard to implement a real world Invention School for African youth. Given the world’s current state of affairs, the stage is now set for Africans to deeply explore solutions to African problems without being hampered by […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS BABYLON’S NEVER ENDING STREAM OF QUESTIONABLE TECHNOLOGIES Forget losing your job to robots, Scientists have created robots that can reproduce. ‘Xenobots’ are capable of ‘self-replicating’ themselves. They are made up of stem cells taken from frogs. Astounded? Watch this report by Palki Sharma for the details. For an additional African perspective […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS I PROMISED TO RETURN TO AFRICA I PROMISED TO RETURN TO AFRICA After spending five years in Ghana with my wife and young daughter, We left Ghana to return to the United States to study mechanical engineering. I cried when I left, knowing how much I would miss it. The friends, the […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS CASE STUDY: Rote Learning vs. Innovation Education in Great Britain’s former colonies still emphasizes rote learning over innovation and critical thinking. Learning emphasis is upon working to pass exams. What happens to creativity and innovation necessary for nation and wealth building? When the goal is to acquire safe and secure jobs at […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS SURVEILLANCE CAPITALISM: Inventions Gone Wrong Harvard professor Shoshana Zuboff wrote a monumental book about the new economic order that is alarming. “The Age of Surveillance Capitalism,” reveals how the biggest tech companies deal with our data. How likely are you to perform substantive and aggressive action to derail covert geoengineering programs? How […]

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