MEMBERS & VISITORS: Pain Points to Progress Overcoming Innovation Challenges “Hello family, this is Professor Singer, and I have something very important to share. Many inventors, innovators, and problem solvers have something in common. It’s not just about fixing problems. Deep down, they want to make a real difference, to bring about positive change—whether […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: What Would A United States of Africa Mean To African Inventors? “A United States of Africa: A New Dawn for African Inventors” The African continent, rich in history, culture, and resources, has been the cradle of numerous inventions and innovations. From the ancient Egyptian pyramids to the contemporary M-Pesa mobile money […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS STRATEGIC PATH TO PRESERVING WEALTH ”You And I Can No Longer Continue This Fool’s Game” Guinea President Orders Foreign Companies to discontinue the exploitation of the nation’s natural resources. From this point forward, foreign companies will process the bauxite used to make aluminum within Guinea and split the profits equally. Raw […]

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