MEMBERS & VISITORS Nigerian Teen: Robot Designer Inventor Isah Auwal Barde, aged 17, created the robot Mutum Mutumi from cardboard and other miscellaneous materials he could find. It took Barde two years to build the robot. He had no funding, so all the parts were found locally or provided by others. He also said […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS BABYLON’S NEVER ENDING STREAM OF QUESTIONABLE TECHNOLOGIES Forget losing your job to robots, Scientists have created robots that can reproduce. ‘Xenobots’ are capable of ‘self-replicating’ themselves. They are made up of stem cells taken from frogs. Astounded? Watch this report by Palki Sharma for the details. For an additional African perspective […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS Is Artificial Intelligence Racist? Research shows that Artificial Intelligence is fundamentally racist. Do your own research and you’ll find Dr. Mumbi’s assertions are true. Wongel Zelalem reports on AI that was being asked to create images of black doctors treating white kids refusing to give results. Prof. Oku Singer, Mechanical/Solar Engineer […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS YOUNG KENYAN INVENTS ROBOTS A young Kenyan is proving that a lack of funding should not affect your dreams. Samuel Zila is a self-taught robot maker. His creations help around the house, but he has far bigger dreams for them in the future. To watch Invention School’s full library of movies visit […]

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