MEMBERS & VISITORS: From Dreamers to Doers “Africa’s Technological Innovation and Youth Empowerment” “From Dreamers to Doers: Africa’s Path to Global Leadership through Innovation” Africa, with its vast resources and youthful population, stands at a pivotal moment in its history. Unlike China, which has strategically navigated its way to technological dominance, Africa has endured […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: Greed and Corruption Wounds Global South Economic Hitman “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man,” by John Perkins, tells a compelling story about how economic manipulation and coercion are used to control developing countries, enriching corporations and expanding American influence. Perkins’s book serves as both a confession of his role in this […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: Invention Courses Help Energy Sector Professionals focusing on renewable sources Invention Courses Help Energy sector professionals focusing on renewable sources. Hello Family! My name is Professor Singer and I teach invention courses at the online school known as Tharaka Invention Academy. I want to share with you one of many different […]

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