MEMBERS & VISITORS: African Inventors Can Help Neutralize Toxic Nano Materials Before Africa Succumbs. As an expatriate African American, it is concerning to note that microplastics, which refer to plastic pieces that are less than five millimeters in length, are present in our bodies. They can be found in our lungs, bowels, and blood, […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: I’m In Africa Now In the rest of nature when the quality and nature of an environment drops enough, species which are sensitive to these deficiencies or dangers will leave that environment because it cannot adequately sustain life OR by default they simply die off. How many Americans recognize that there […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS BREAKUP WITH TOXIC MAKEUP African Inventors have the inspirational opportunity to leapfrog the psychologically and physically dangerous beauty practices of wealthier developed nations. These practices affect the mental and physical health of adherents who buy into the marketing psychology of this multi-billion dollar industry. The opportunities exist to forge new types […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS My Little Buddy Poor guy. He/she appears to be missing one leg. In nature, that’s not enough to stop the show. Though not at all aggressive at well over 4 inches in length, he’s neither speedy nor shy, nor fearful. Miracles happen all around me all of […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS MY SKY MY SKY In time a larger percentage of humanity will fully understand the pathologies that lead some of their fellow humans to spoil the nest in which they live. Even dogs are smart enough to not do that. It is so sad to see western powers […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS AND YOU AVOID THEM BECAUSE…? RONAJAB REQUIRED FOR AFRICAN ENTRY Since there is a global push to inject people with a permanent DNA altering concoction developed in 3-4 months instead of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s normal 5-7 years and which has had thousands of reported injuries on early human […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS 12 Operating Strategies and Principles of Depopulation There is currently at play a global, coordinated, and engineered depopulation effort. In order not to become collateral damage of this agenda you must first become aware of the depopulation lobby’s operating principles. Kevin Galalae clearly lays out what you can do to protect […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: Testing of the chembuster has begun in the San Bernardino mountains in Southern California.

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