MEMBERS & VISITORS RONAJAB DEATHS CRISIS TALKS Online rumors have been circulating over the past few days that four British Airways pilots have died, and that British Airways is in “crisis talks” with the British government about these deaths. In attempting to dismiss this rumor, Reuters ran a fact check article that […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS THE PLANDEMIC Video interview removed from social networks because what Dr. Judy Mikovits says is out of sync with the ambient doxa. When you’re not afraid of the truth, you let the truth come out. After all, people are old enough to know and understand what is good for them and their […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS The Annihilation Agenda It’s certainly worth watching and thinking about Mike’s 47 minute video, “The Annihalation Agenda”. You’ll benefit most when separating his facts from his opinions. We all are in dire need of balance as well as cold hard facts in this era of fake news, divisive propaganda, and divisive actions […]

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