MEMBERS & VISITORS: Thanks To The Innovators! Film Star Idris Elba Gives Remarks at the 2022 U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit “We do not need aid anymore. We need innovation. We need partnership.” ~ Idris Elba The importance of changing Africa’s narrative about itself and the world is paramount. Black pride lies at the foundation of […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS BUILDING INVENTION SCHOOL GRAPHIC NOVELS BUILDING INVENTION SCHOOL GRAPHIC NOVELS Two of my areas of expertise are in computer graphics and 3D animation. With this background I’m able to accurately visualize all of the characters and scenes taking place within my stories. Kimathi and Kate are the Founders of Africa […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS AFRICAN HOME LIFE AFRICAN HOME LIFE: I was the home entertainment system LOL I just took on an amalgam of styles from life in Hawaii, North America , and West Africa as well as beloved musical influences from South America, Spain, India, and China. To watch Invention […]

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