Talking With One Another Is Loving One Another



Talking With One Another Is Loving One Another

African Unity:

Brothers and sisters, both on the African continent and in the diaspora, we are called to come together and engage in intergenerational dialogue to address our shared challenges and build a brighter future. In Kenya, there is a proverb that says, “Talking with one another is loving one another.” Through conversation and unity, we can overcome the legacy of colonialism and neocolonialism that continues to shape our lives.

For centuries, Africa has been influenced by external powers. Colonialism divided our lands and exploited our resources, leaving us subjugated on our own soil. This invasion wasn’t just physical; it was also cultural, erasing our heritage and instilling a sense of inferiority. Our children learned more about European history and culture than their own, creating generations disconnected from their roots.

Today, even with African leaders in power, the remnants of colonialism remain. Our governments often enforce policies that serve foreign interests, not our people. We have become beggars on the international state. As such, we are widely disrespected. We rely on foreign aid and loans, perpetuating a cycle where true liberation remains elusive. This is the reality of neocolonialism.

To break free, we must dismantle these entrenched systems. We must continue to reclaim our cultural identity, restore indigenous knowledge, and restructure our economies to serve our interests. This means creating educational systems that emphasize African history, traditions, and innovation, promote local industries, and ensure food security. Decolonization is a comprehensive process that involves resetting Africa to its cultural and economic roots.

Let us come together and talk, for talking with one another is loving one another. Through dialogue, we can reconnect with our heritage, share wisdom across generations, and develop solutions that address our unique challenges. We have a rapidly closing window to engage in meaningful conversations that include our elders’ experiences and our youth’s vision. By doing so, we can reclaim our dignity, autonomy, and future.

We are witnessing movements across the continent resisting neocolonial control, from Burkina Faso to Mali to Senegal. A new era of African self-determination is dawning, driven by a younger generation that envisions an Africa free from the remnants of colonial rule. This revolution calls for unity and collaboration.

Let us build bridges between the continent and the richly endowed diaspora. Together, we can create a network of support and solidarity that empowers us to take our rightful place on the global stage. Through intergenerational dialogue, we can harness our collective strength, wisdom, and creativity to solve our shared problems and create a future where Africa thrives.

So, let us come together, meet, talk, and engage in this crucial dialogue. Let us love one another through our conversations and actions. Together, we can transform our continent and uplift our people worldwide.

Be sure to visit “Tharaka Invention Academy” where you can learn about how anybody can acquire the mindset, skills, and knowledge needed by all problem solvers, innovators, and inventors. The post entitled “Global Innovators: 101 Careers Transformed by Invention Skills” contains links to many more similar stories about these people worldwide.

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Mechanical/Solar Engineer, Prof. Oku Singer
