Tharaka Invention Circle CBO’S Ongoing Research




Tharaka Invention Circle CBO, under the direction of Miriam Muthoni, has embarked upon numerous projects and programs to help the Tharaka-Nithi County community’s families, women and youth improve their lives and prosperity through vigorous organizational collaboration, advocacy, training, and program implementation in the areas of natural resource management, value addition, and climate change effects mitigation. Through the enthusiastic support of its board, staff, advisors, members, and volunteers it is breaking through the past barriers of reaching the level of community prosperity and well-being that its citizens wish for.


Tharaka Invention Circle CBO, under the direction of Miriam Muthoni, has embarked upon numerous projects and programs to help the Tharaka-Nithi County community’s families, women and youth improve their lives and prosperity through innovation, vigorous organizational collaboration, advocacy, training, and program implementation in the areas of natural resource management, value addition, and climate change effects mitigation. Through the enthusiastic support of its board, staff, advisors, members, and volunteers it is breaking through the past barriers of reaching the level of community prosperity and well-being that its citizens wish for.

Kenyan Youth Gain Hands-On Research Experience

As part of these efforts, Director Muthoni has brought Falary Korir into the CBO as an attachment student in order to help her gain work experience and exposure to the community near Tharaka University. Ms. Falary Korir, an undergraduate attachment student from Tharaka University , carefully prepares various agricultural produce for processing and testing with the aim of providing value addition. Falary is gaining valuable employment experience in a community organization during Tharaka University’s academic break which will end in September 2024. She is experiencing organization tasks of attending community organization gatherings, document creation, data organization, hands-on food preservation research, public relations protocols, climate change mitigation routines and more. We are so happy she has joined our CBO during this period and eagerly look forward to the future when we can host more of Kenya’s bright youth as we all work toward a brighter tomorrow for Kenya and its other neighbors on the African continent.

Be sure to visit “Tharaka Invention Academy” where you can learn about how anybody can acquire the mindset, skills, and knowledge needed by all problem solvers, innovators, and inventors. The post entitled “Global Innovators: 101 Careers Transformed by Invention Skills” contains links to many more similar stories about these people worldwide.

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Mechanical/Solar Engineer, Prof. Oku Singer


Tharaka Invention Circle CBO’S Ongoing Research