If you think that Africa will continue to be impoverished and live on handouts from the developed wealthier nations as we continue to move into the 21st century, you’re dead wrong… Africa will no longer be the forgotten continent but rather at the center of global civilization and commerce and culture. It will need an army of inventors to sustain this growth and development. We at Invention School are applying ourselves to this task with all of our heart and soul.
Two-thirds of all the inhabitants of planet earth live in countries where the fertility rate does not even reach the replacement rate, i.e. 2.1 births per woman of childbearing age. However, things are completely different in Africa. The forgotten continent is experiencing the biggest population explosion in human history and I’m sure this keeps Bill Gates and Ted Turner up late at night and would be Margaret Sanger’s worst nightmare. While in 1914 Africa had only 124 million inhabitants, it is now estimated that by the end of the century, four out of every ten people living on earth may be African. In this video we tell you all the details about a revolution that will completely change and reorder our world.
Mechanical/Solar Engineer, Prof. Oku Singer