You Are The Star
You Are The Star
The CDC has reported, in equivocal terms, that Americans are now dying younger and not living even longer. “The uptick in overall deaths was driven by the usual suspects: the prevalence and lethality of Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, and the flu, which was more severe than usual last year.” Anti-geoengineering activists take a cue!
See “CDC: Americans Are Dying Even Younger”
The clarion call to return to nature and her ways and treat Mother Earth kindly and respectfully is upon us all. How will you respond?
The human microbiome can influence nearly every function (or dysfunction) in our bodies.
This, as it turns out, is one of the key factors in the health and longevity of some of the longest-lived people on the planet.
Their interaction with their environment, the fact that they don’t sterilize everything around them, and that they simply live closer to the land…
… it all plays a critical role in why they’re so vibrant and active, and even why they’re typically so happy!
I’ve dramatized two Native American folk tales which exemplify this understanding of living close to the land, not in opposition to Mother Nature intent upon “conquering” her. Conquering and ruling must no longer be part of mankind’s mindset if we are to survive:
“A Story By Iagoo” Iagoo was a a storyteller of the Indians. He was a little, old man with a face darkened by decades of warm sunlight and a body like a twisted stick. His eyes were twice as large as other men’s, so that when a bird flew past him he saw twice as many feathers on it, and all the little colors underneath were bright to him. His ears were twice as large as other men’s, so that what seemed to them but a tiny sound was to him like the roll of thunder. His legs were supple and his arms were strong, so that he could run faster and further, and could lift and carry twice as much as others. No one believed him, yet every one was eager to listen to him. He told of things of which no one else ever saw the like; but the stories were pleasant to hear, and Iagoo said they were true. Listen as our storyteller reads aloud the most often used vocabulary in A Story By Iagoo ~ The Vocabulary List.
“The Little Boy & Girl In The Clouds” The old Native American storyteller named Iagoo has told a story about a magical hill called Tutokanula. Other mountains and hills were formed many years ago when the earth was young, but this hill magically appeared overnight. One day it was an ordinary rock, but overnight it rose and stretched until it poked through the clouds above the tallest treetops. A little girl and boy, both cold and wet, climbed onto the rock and fell asleep on the soft green moss on top. This is when this ordinary event turns into something magical and memorable.