Your Virtual World Presents “Ali Baba And The Forty Thieves”
Your Virtual World presents one of only a few “full” uncut versions of its personalized videos in the Campfire Tale Series on our web site. We present here the complete tale, “Ali Baba And The Forty Thieves”. Ali Baba was a poor middle eastern man who stumbles across the hidden treasure cave of a lawless band of forty thieves. He nervously steals much of this treasure from the thieves. He is giddy with delight at having found such good fortune for himself and his family after his daring capture of their loot. He uses the treasure to help himself and his wife to all of the things that wealth can buy. He finds much trouble though involving his greedy brother. Also, the 40 thieves threaten to take away the new-found wealth for Ali Baba and his wife. Oh, watch out for the slave girl Morgiana! Your host, Binary Mouse, introduces Your Virtual World’s Campfire Tales Series in the hosted version.
…a fun and natural way to learn English
Your Virtual World has compiled the four column list below of the 2,284 most commonly used words in the English language. English is used and spoken by over 2,000,000,000 people around the world.
It is the global default language of science, finance, military, diplomacy, and education. Our Premium movie modules will highlight and emphasize the learning of these words in useful situational context as well as other new vocabulary. The list is important because a person who knows all the words on the list and their related word family would understand approximately 90-95 percent of colloquial English speech and 80-85 percent of common written texts. Click to view the 2,284 Top English Words.