Your Virtual World Presents “Surrounded By Beauty”
The story opens in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where Paul, a boy from a middle-class family, is dismissed from high school because of his impertinent attitude and bearing. Paul sees his case as special. In asserting his superiority, Paul seeks to live in the world of the arts. He loves the theater, the opera, and music, even though he is not particularly artistic. The world of art and its external trappings–luxury hotels, midnight champagne, the finest clothes–represent Paul’s inarticulate aspirations, his desire to escape from his environment. When Paul steals money from his trusting employer he flees to New York for a eight days of luxurious living. By so doing, he both puts into action his own aspirations and sows the seeds of his own destruction. Your host, Binary Mouse, introduces Your Virtual World’s Campfire Tales Series in the hosted version.